At the forefront of the groundwater industry for 40 years, SSP&A provides expert services to address water supply, water rights, soil and sediment contamination, surface water quality, saltwater intrusion, mining, landfills, and hydraulic fracturing (fracking) for natural gas and oil production.
SSP&A develops innovative groundwater modeling software, and continuously invests in cutting-edge research and development to provide innovative tools.
From site assessments and contaminant studies through remediation project implementation, SSP&A’s engineering services include:
For our own projects and to support other consultants, SSP&A compiles, analyzes, and manages data for:
SSP&A provides unbiased, independent, fact-based subject-matter expertise in support of a variety of legal matters related to groundwater, surface water, and soil remediation projects.
SSP&A provides on-site environmental, hydrogeologic, and geophysical services related to groundwater management and remediation projects, including: