SSP&A provides expert services for a variety of legal matters related to groundwater, surface water, and soil remediation projects. We utilize our expertise in geochemistry, groundwater modeling, sampling and analysis, environmental remediation, water quality, and water resources to support litigation preparation and in serving as expert witnesses for both plaintiff and defense, owner agency, and other consulting firms to analyze, verify, and/or correct work done by others.

SSP&A’s subject-matter experts prepare reports detailing our evaluation of previous remediation efforts, including our analysis of the data, methodologies, models, and recommendations prepared by others. We provide deposition responses as well as expert testimony with unbiased, independent, fact-based responses based on the data and pertinent facts.
Our litigation support experience includes cases involving:
- Environmental Insurance Coverage
- Natural Resource Damage Claims
- Toxic Tort Claims
- Remedial Action Disputes
- Environmental Liability Claims
- Water Rights Adjudication
- Water and Environmental Permit Disputes
- Water Resources Regulations