BRICK – Analytical Solutions for 3D Solute Transport
Developed by SSP&A, the BRICK software package implements two analytical solutions for three-dimensional solute transport from parallelopiped sources.
- The first solution, BRICK1SB, implements the solution for transport from a set of parallelopiped zones with specified initial concentrations.
- The second solution, BRICK2S, implements the solution for transport from a set of parallelopiped sources with time-varying mass release rates.
The software package includes sources codes (Fortran90) and executable versions of the software. The software documentation includes demonstration problems confirming the reliability of the solutions, and complete details on the derivations of the analytical solutions.
Neville, C.J., 2006: BRICK – Analytical Solutions for Three-Dimensional Solute Transport from Brick Sources, S.S. Papadopulos & Associates, Inc., December 5, 2006.
DISCLAIMER: SP&A’s software is provided “AS IS”, without warranty of any kind, including, without limitation, the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. We request only that application of the software and production of results using the code is accompanied by a suitable acknowledgment. The entire risk and responsibility as to the quality and performance of the Software is borne by the user. SSP&A disclaims all other warranties.

BRICK Definition Sketch
Simple illustration of the BRICK1SB and BRICK2S solutions.