GENIE – A General Model-Independent TCP/IP Run Manager
Under contract to the USGS, SSP&A developed a parallel run manager called GENIE, which can be used with a wide variety of programs and models.
GENIE is a model-independent suite of programs that manage and execute multiple model runs over a local network or the Internet-using the TCP/IP infrastructure. The suite consists of:
- A run manager that is responsible for distributing runs and collecting results from client computers;
- A dynamic run executer; and
- A routine that can be compiled as part of a program to exchange model runs with the run manager.
Model independence is realized using the template and instruction file protocols of PEST. Key to GENIE’s applicability to highly parameterized inverse problems is its use of a multithreaded approach to potentially handle thousands of client computers, and development of a low-level message passing interface that forms the backbone for dialogue between the different components of the suite.
Muffels, C.T., Schreüder, W.A., Doherty, J.E., Karanovic, M., Tonkin, M.J., Hunt, R.J., and Welter, D.E., 2012, Approaches in highly parameterized inversion—GENIE, a general model-independent TCP/IP run manager: U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods, book 7, section C6, 26 p., available only at
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