ATRANS – A 3D analytical solution for transport from a patch boundary condition with time varying concentration.

ATRANS provides exact 3D analytical solutions for transport from a patch boundary condition in a semi-infinite aquifer. Developed by Christopher Neville, of SSP&A, the solution considers the following transport processes:

  • Advection;
  • Dispersion;
  • Sorption, and
  • First-order Transformation Reactions.

The solution assumes the groundwater flow field is steady and uniform.

The ATRANS package of solutions can represent four inflow concentration histories:

  • Constant concentration;
  • Exponentially decaying concentration;
  • Arbitrary inflow concentration specified as a set of points; and
  • Arbitrary inflow concentration specified as a set of steps.
ATRANS for Microsoft Excel (MS Office 2010)

An Excel version of ATRANS was developed by Marinko Karanovic of SSP&A. All parameters are input within the spreadsheet and output in either graphical or tabular presentation for quick model runs. Both ATRANS packages include complete documentation, Fortran source codes, and executable codes that run within DOS boxes (Command Prompt).

ATRANS Water Table Figure

ATRANS, 1998. Analytical Solutions for 3D Transport from a Patch Source. Version 2. S.S. Papadopulos & Associates, Inc.


Download Fortran Program (3MB)

Download Excel Program (5MB)

DISCLAIMER: These programs are provided FREE of charge. The authors request only that application of the software and production of results using the code is accompanied by a suitable acknowledgment. The software is provided "AS IS", without warranty of any kind, including without limitation the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. The entire risk and responsibility as to the quality and performance of the Software is borne by the user. The author(s) disclaim all other warranties.