KT3D_H20 Original LogoKT3D_H2O combines various programs to generate gridded maps of water-level elevations, together with approximate particle tracks and capture zones. These tools combine the geostatistical and hydrological sciences to allow the user to support mapping-based hydrogeologic analyses without reverting to numerical models of groundwater flow.

KT3D_H2O was initially implemented with a rudimentary graphical interface. However, following application of the software at a wide range of sites, it became evident that a geospatial GUI was necessary to enable intuitive construction of input files and viewing of outputs. The MapWindow environment was selected for this purpose, due to its availability, ease of internal development, growing user-base, and integration with the .NET environment.

Contract support from USEPA facilitated the addition of capabilities including shape file support for features of arbitrary complexity; development of an XML project file that stores and documents every aspect of the analysis undertaken for later reproduction at-will; frequentist (uncertainty) analysis of outputs; and other features. The developed software is distributed free of charge, used widely in USEPA Regions 5 and 10, and has been the subject of several peer-reviewed publications and technical presentations.

NOTE: KT3D-H2O is migrated to GroundWater Desktop.


Karanovic, M., Tonkin, M., and Wilson, D., 2009. KT3D_H20: A Program for Kriging Water-Level Data Using Hydrologic Drift Terms: Ground Water 45, no. 4: 580-586. doi: 10.1111/j.1745-6584.2009.00565.x

Please Note: KT3D_H2O has been deprecated and is no longer actively maintained by SSP&A.  Users running KT3D_H2O on newer versions of Windows may experience user interface related problems. Current and future development of this software functionality has migrated to GroundWater Desktop.