News, Announcements, Conferences, and Software Trainings
The latest news, announcements, conferences, and software training information from S.S. Papadopulos & Associates and associated industry experts are listed in the following timeline, with a focus on conferences and presentations, modeling software trainings, and personnel achievements and recognition:
March 31
We are very excited to announce that Christian (Chris) Langevin, PhD., has joined SSP&A. Chris, a long-time employee of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), comes to SSP&A as an internationally recognized leader in hydrologic modeling. In recent years, Chris has been the primary caretaker of the USGS MODFLOW simulation software, the world’s most widely used groundwater modeling platform. With over 25 years’ experience, Chris has received international recognition for his development efforts on MODFLOW 6, SEAWAT, MODFLOW-USG, and FloPy. His areas of expertise include constant- and variable-density groundwater flow, solute and heat transport, and the efficient use of unstructured grid applications. His project experience includes modeling integrated surface- and groundwater systems, aquifer storage and recovery, deep-well injection, and coastal hydrology including seawater intrusion. Over his USGS tenure, Chris built an extensive network of government, academic, and private industry collaborators. He instructs on a range of topics, and leads seminars at local, national, and international scientific events.
Founded in 1979 by Stavros Papadopulos and thereafter Steve Larson – at that time, both respected leaders at the USGS – SSP&A has been an industry leader for over four decades, with multiple areas of expertise and specialization. Welcoming Chris Langevin at this stage in the Company’s evolution marks both an exciting new development and also a continuation of the solid technical foundations upon which SSP&A was built.
March 9 –
March 13
Waste Management Conference (WM2025)
WM2025 Theme: Empowering a Sustainable Future – Advanced Technologies, AI, and Workforce Development Across the Nuclear Landscape. This event will be held at the Phoenix Convention Center in Arizona; visit the WM Symposia website for more information:
March 3 –
March 4
The 10th International Groundwater Conference will be held March 5-7 in Roorkee, India, with the theme of “Groundwater Vision 2047: Towards Water Security under Changing Climate.” SSP&A Associate Engineer Vivek Bedekar, PhD, PE, will instruct a 2-day pre-conference course on March 3-4 to teach theoretical concepts and provide a modeling toolkit for simulating groundwater solute transport to address contamination problems. The course includes theory, practical examples, and hands-on training. Visit the IGWC 2025 website for more information:
11, 18 & 25
This workshop will raise global awareness of understanding, quantifying, managing, and communicating uncertainty in groundwater studies and identify research imperatives and best practices that industry practitioners and researchers can adopt. Hydrogeologists and hydrogeophysicists aim at characterizing the subsurface regarding its hydrogeological and geophysical properties and geometries. We see potential for inter-disciplinary learning by recognizing the relationship between hydrogeological and hydrogeophysical properties, conceptual approaches, analytical solutions, algorithms, and assumptions involved in modelling the subsurface in both disciplines.
Groundwater consulting practice has to cater to the clients’ need for certainty and too often resorts to deterministic solutions. Uncertainties arising from the estimation of either hydrogeologic or hydrogeophysical properties are often not fully understood and rarely systematically accounted for. Yet, a realistic and transparent estimate of uncertainty is crucial to build trust in model outcomes and inform the client’s groundwater-based planning. Therefore, improving our understanding of this uncertainty is a pressing issue attracting increased interest by all stakeholders. With this workshop, we aim to identify practical approaches for a more complete treatment of uncertainty in groundwater science and management.
November 19 –
November 22
Short Course: Parameter Estimation and Uncertainty Analysis – Perth
Led by John Doherty, this four-day course will cover the theory and practice of simulator history-matching and predictive uncertainty analysis using PEST and PEST++, and will feature some exciting new developments in these packages. These include new ways of generating stationary and non-stationary stochastic fields for structured and unstructured model grids, data space inversion, ensemble space inversion, improvements to IES, and optimization under uncertainty. Learn more and register at:
September 30 –
October 4
The 1st Geochemical Modeling: PHREEQC and Beyond Conference and Course event enabled participants to learn about best practices and innovative projects using PHREEQC, a powerful reaction/transport modeling tool developed by the U.S. Geological Survey and used by water agencies and consultants to perform aqueous geochemical calculations. Visit the event website to view topics, presenters, and event sponsors at:
August 9
The National Ground Water Association (NGWA) awarded the 2024 M. King Hubbert Award to Stavros S. Papadopulos, PhD, PE. This award is given to a person who has made a major science or engineering contribution to the groundwater industry through research, technical papers, teaching, and practical applications.
June 2 –
June 5
Since 1998, SSP&A has sponsored MODFLOW and More – a conference series that unites cutting-edge developments and practical applications of hydrologic models related to groundwater in a vibrant forum attended by researchers, developers, practitioners, and regulators in the groundwater modeling community to convene, share experiences, and propagate ideas.
April 4
SSP&A’s Well-DOC System, an innovative solution to eliminate well fouling, is published as U.S. Patent No. 11619113.
The The National Ground Water Association (NGWA) awarded the 2021 Keith E. Anderson Award to Erica DiFilippo, PhD, for outstanding contributions made to NGWA in the Scientists and Engineers Section.
The National Ground Water Association (NGWA) highlighted
Erica DiFilippo, PhD, in honor of Women’s History Month.
The Darcy Lecture Series was established in 1986 by the National Groundwater Association (NGWA) to promote outstanding achievements in the field of groundwater hydrogeology. Each year, a panel of scientists and engineers select a groundwater professional to share their work with peers and students around the world. SSP&A was a proud sponsor of the Darcy Lecture Series in 2018 and 2019.
Erica DiFilippo, PhD, joins the Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council’s (ITRC) PFAS Team
The Interstate Technology & Regulatory Council (ITRC) PFAS Team produces concise technical resources to help regulators and other stakeholders improve their understanding of the current science regarding per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). Erica DiFilippo, PhD, is part of the Fate and Transport subgroup.
2011 –
Since 2011, SSP&A has supported the Farvolden Scholarships, which are used to honor outstanding contributions to the disciplines of earth science and engineering that emphasize the role or importance of groundwater in memory of Robert Farvolden of the University of Waterloo and former National Ground Water Association Director of Science and Technology.
MT3D-USGS, an updated release of MT3DMS and product of collaboration between the U.S. Geological Survey and S.S. Papadopulos & Associates, Inc. is released.
In collaboration with the University of Waterloo, SSP&A developed
mod-PATH3DU – a powerful, state-of-the-art particle tracking software for groundwater models with unstructured grids.