OneD – Excel Implementations of Analytical Solutions for One-Dimensional (1-D) Transport of Solutes in Groundwater
OneD solutions are capable of representing the following physical transport processes:
- 1-D advection with a uniform Darcy flux;
- 1-D dispersion (mechanical dispersion and molecular diffusion);
- Linear, equilibrium sorption; and
- First-order transformation reaction.
OneD_1 – Excel-Based Analytical Solution for One-Dimensional Solute Transport with a Type 1 (Dirichlet) Boundary Condition at the Inlet
- General time-varying source concentration history can be specified, with the automatic creation and display of the source history
- A non-zero initial concentration may be specified
- User- Friendly Input / Output
- Breakthrough curve and concentration-profile plot output in Excel and .PNG formats
OneD_3 – Excel-based Analytical Solution for 1-D Solute Transport with a Type III (Cauchy, Robbins, radiation, natural) Boundary Condition at the Inlet
- General time-varying source mass flux history can be specified, with the automatic creation and display of the source history
- A non-zero initial concentration may be specified
- User- Friendly Input / Output
- Breakthrough curve and concentration-profile plot output in Excel and .PNG formats
OneD_FL – Excel-Based Analytical Solution for 1-D Solute Transport Across a Finite-Domain with a Type I (Dirichlet) Boundary Condition at Both Ends
- Generalized solution of Al-Niami and Rushton (1977) to include reactions and more general initial and boundary conditions
- Solution can accommodate advection with or against diffusion, and purely diffusive transport
- General time-varying source concentration history can be specified, with the automatic creation and display of the source history
- A non-zero initial concentration may be specified
- User- Friendly Input / Output
- Breakthrough curve and concentration-profile plot output in Excel and .PNG formats
The Excel program can produce breakthrough curves and concentration profiles in accordance with user specifications.

Al-Niami, A.N.S. and Rushton, K.R., 1977. Analysis of flow against dispersion in porous media, Journal of Hydrology, Volume 33, Issues 1–2, Pages 87-97, ISSN 0022-1694, doi: 10.1016/0022-1694(77)90100-7
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