OPR-PPR – Linear Predictive Analysis Program for the USGS
SSP&A was contracted by the USGS to develop a program, referred to as OPR-PPR (Observations and Predictions, and Prior Information and Predictions) that completes several iterative matrix manipulations to determine the contribution of user-defined groups of observations, or of additional independent information on parameters, towards the predictive uncertainty of the model.
The principal objective of the code development is to enable decision makers to determine the relative worth of different types of data, and hence guide data collection activities. The program was developed in Fortran-90 using the JUPITER Application Programming Interface (API). The completed code was documented and distributed as a USGS Techniques and Methods Report in 2007 (Tonkin et al., 2007). SSP&A has since provided training in the use of OPR-PPR together with Dr. Mary Hill (USGS).
Tonkin, M., C. Tiedeman, D. Ely, and M. Hill, 2007. OPRPPR, a Computer Program for Assessing Data Importance to Model Predictions Using Linear Statistics, Constructed Using the JUPITER API. Prepared in Cooperation with the U.S. Department of Energy. Techniques and Methods 6-E2. U.S. Geological Survey.

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