SSP&A conducted a groundwater investigation identifying the source of a VOC plume as being from an up-gradient property that was subsequently purchased by our client.
In 1994, SSP&A was retained to determine whether the source of a 1,1,1-trichloroethane (1,1,1-TCA), 1,1-dichloroethene, and 1,4-dioxane plume in groundwater beneath the client’s facility was from their facility or from offsite source(s). Investigations included drilling and well installation, water-level and water-quality sampling, and hydraulic testing in the saturated shallow alluvium and underlying fractured Pierre Shale. Based on hydrogeologic and geochemical data from the field investigation, SSP&A identified the source of the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) as the manufacturing facility located adjacent to the client’s facility. SSP&A provided technical support in an environmental liability and cost-recovery action against the responsible party (RP), who subsequently entered into a Compliance Order on Consent with the CDPHE for cleanup at the site.
Over the duration of the project, SSPA has prepared an independent Corrective Measures Study (CMS), designed a groundwater flow model to evaluate capture zones for the pump and treat system, and provided oversight of various groundwater and soil remediation methods implemented by the RP (source area excavations, groundwater injections, and use of an electro-chemical dichlorination technology). Due to challenging hydrogeologic site conditions in a fractured bedrock formation and difficult-to-reach contamination zones beneath the building, remedial actions are ongoing. SSP&A continues to collaborate with stakeholders and represent it’s client to purse the most efficient and effective path towards closure of the site.