SSP&A developed a groundwater flow model covering the western portion of the Washington Water Resources Inventory Area 1 in Whatcom County.
Denver Federal Center Regulatory Compliance
2024-11-21T16:27:39+00:00SSP&A performed a detailed investigation that revealed contaminated soil remains at concentrations exceeding levels protective of residential/unrestricted use but are intertwined with subsurface utilities or in lenses that extend under buildings and roadways at the Denver Federal Center site.
OTIS AFB MMR Fate-and-Transport Analysis, Modeling, and Remedy Design
2024-12-13T18:15:56+00:00SSP&A developed and applied a 3D groundwater flow and contaminant transport model for the OTIS/MMR as part of remediation efforts at the site, and was subsequently retained to undertake wide-ranging data analysis, reporting, and remedy evaluation and optimization tasks.