SSP&A developed a groundwater flow model covering the western portion of the Washington Water Resources Inventory Area 1 in Whatcom County.
Denver Federal Center Groundwater Investigation and Remediation
2024-11-21T16:22:35+00:00In accordance with the Denver Federal Center (DFC) Site-Wide RCRA Facility Investigation (RFI) Quality Assurance Project Plan and corresponding standard operating procedures, SSP&A provides field and QA/QC sampling, data validation, sample result screening, evaluation, and data management, and reporting at the DFC site.
Hanford Site Statistics and PHREEQC Geochemical Model
2024-11-21T17:09:28+00:00SSP&A was initially engaged to assess groundwater conditions and develop and apply models to design, evaluate, and optimize groundwater remedies for CERCLA operable units across the Hanford Site.
Cape Cod Wastewater
2024-11-21T17:50:49+00:00In support of litigation, SSP&A evaluated the impacts to groundwater and surface water from a wastewater treatment system and septic leach field at a commercial complex in Harwich, Massachusetts.
Assessing Potential Impacts of the Tulla Transfer Application
2024-12-06T22:56:05+00:00To address concerns regarding groundwater/surface-water interactions and potential Rio Grande Project Supply impacts, SSP&A provided expert hydrogeologic support in the evaluation of the Tulla Resources application and developed possible strategies for offsetting any potential impacts.
Hanford Natural Resources Damage Assessment Upwelling Study
2024-11-21T23:16:25+00:00SSP&A was retained to evaluate the locations, timing, and quantities of historical contaminant discharges to the Columbia River to support a potential Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) claim.