For over 10 years SSP&A consulted to the NYSDEC spills department, evaluating and simulating the fate and remediation of fuel spills at multiple sites.
PFAS Contamination in the Alabama River System
2024-11-21T17:41:43+00:00SSP&A provided expert services for four legal matters related to PFAS contamination in the Alabama River system in Georgia and Alabama.
The City of Muscle Shoals, Alabama, et al. v. 3M Company, et al.
2024-11-21T18:09:00+00:00SSP&A was retained by counsel for the Plaintiffs to evaluate and opine on PFAS contamination from the defendants’ facilities on the Tennessee River, as well as the effects of the ongoing remediation efforts occurring in and around Morgan County, Alabama on the City of Muscle Shoals and the Muscle Shoals Utility Board (MSUB).
Former Halliburton Manufacturing Facility
2024-12-10T20:06:06+00:00SSP&A was initially retained to evaluate the fate and transport of CrVI (from historical plating activities) and the effectiveness of a combined strategy of in-situ and ex-situ remedies.
Bannister Federal Complex
2025-02-06T19:37:06+00:00Historical operations at the Bannister Federal Complex had led to extensive contamination with chlorinated solvents, PCBs, hexavalent chromium, and petroleum hydrocarbons.