To assist the State in their management of water resources in the Carlsbad Basin, SSP&A developed a graphical user interface for evaluation of water rights transfer applications which integrates an existing superposition groundwater model and advanced applications of the Glover-Balmer and Theis equations for analysis of locations outside the active extents of the groundwater model.
Water Resources Assessment, Lower Rio Grande Basin
2024-11-21T18:00:17+00:00SSP&A developed and calibrated a highly-detailed and refined historical groundwater flow model of the Lower Rio Grande Basin.
Water Resources Assessment, Salt Basin
2024-11-21T18:05:36+00:00On behalf of the New Mexico Interstate Stream Commission (NMISC), SSP&A was asked to provide expert insight into the State’s effort to assess feasibility regarding potential Salt Basin groundwater development for interbasin transfer either to the Pecos or Lower Rio Grande Basins.