SSP&A developed a groundwater flow model covering the western portion of the Washington Water Resources Inventory Area 1 in Whatcom County.
Hanford Site Statistics and PHREEQC Geochemical Model
2024-11-21T17:09:28+00:00SSP&A was initially engaged to assess groundwater conditions and develop and apply models to design, evaluate, and optimize groundwater remedies for CERCLA operable units across the Hanford Site.
Managed Aquifer Recharge Geochemical Evaluations in Basalts
2024-11-21T17:28:39+00:00SSP&A has designed sampling and analysis plans to determine groundwater and basalt chemistry, performed geochemical reactive transport modeling to predict the types and consequences of chemical reactions during ASR operations, and identified mitigation measures in cases where chemical incompatibilities between recharge water and basalt have been identified.
Columbia Basin Groundwater Management Area (GWMA) Groundwater Resources
2024-11-21T23:10:28+00:00Translating the developing conceptual model, complete with the natural and man-made complexities described above, is a challenging task that is being undertaken jointly by S.S. Papadopulos & Associates, Inc. (SSP&A) together with GSI Water Solutions in collaboration with the GWMA.
Hanford Natural Resources Damage Assessment Upwelling Study
2024-11-21T23:16:25+00:00SSP&A was retained to evaluate the locations, timing, and quantities of historical contaminant discharges to the Columbia River to support a potential Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) claim.