Recent Publications and Presentations
SSP&A actively contributes to the development of the field of groundwater science through the publication of papers and textbooks, and presentations at technical conferences. The publications and presentations listed below are from 2019 to present (older items are listed on individual SSP&A personnel pages), followed by books we recommend.
Scantlebury, L., Bedekar, V., Tonkin, M.J., Karanovic, M., and Harter, T., 2025. Texture2Par: A Texture-Driven Tool for Estimating Subsurface Hydraulic Properties. Environmental Modelling & Software. doi: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2025.106372
Petersen, B., Cohen, H., and Griffin, S. 2025. Design and Sitewide Implementation of an Unconventional Antifouling System for Pumping Wells, WM2025 Conference, March 9-13, 2025, Phoenix, Arizona
Yu, J., Tian, Y., Wang, X., Sun, T., Lancia, M., Andrews, C. B., & Zheng, C., 2024. Integrated modeling of flow, soil erosion, and nutrient dynamics in a regional watershed: Assessing natural and human induced impacts. Water Resources Research, 60, e2024WR037531. doi: 10.1029/2024WR037531
Bedekar, V., Hatch, T., Traum, J.A., Tolley, G., Singh, A., and Faunt, C.C., 2024. Models: Tools for Estimating and Predicting Subsidence. Hydrovisions, 2024 Spring Issue, p. 14-17.
Carey, G.R., Danko, A., Pham, A.L.-T., Soderberg, K., Hoagland, B. and Sleep, B., 2024. Modeling the Influence of Coastal Site Characteristics on PFAS in Situ Remediation. Groundwater. doi: 10.1111/gwat.13456
Scantlebury, L., 2024. Scott Valley Airborne Electromagnetic Data Interpretation and Assimilation into a Groundwater-Surface Water Model. Presentation at California Water and Environmental Modeling Forum, Folsom, California, September 24.
Scantlebury, L., 2024. Balancing Agriculture, Salmon, and Climate Change: Water Management in Scott Valley, California. Towards Sustainable Groundwater In Agriculture 3rd International Conference, San Francisco, California, June 18.
Carey, G.R., Anderson, R.H., Van Geel, P., McGregor, R., Soderberg, K., Danko, A., Hakimabadi, S.G., Pham, A.L.-T., Rebeiro-Tunstall, M. 2024. Alternatives analysis for in situ remediation of a large PFAS plume and source area. Remediation Journal: v. 34, no. 1, e21772. doi: 10.1002/rem.21772
Bedekar, V., Neville, C., Tonkin, M., Bartlett, D. and Plato, P. 2024. “Quantifying Source Contributions Using a Unit-Concentration Method.” Presented at MODFLOW and More 2024, Princeton University, June 5.
Bedekar, V., Neville, C., Tonkin, M., Bartlett, D., and Plato, P. 2024. “A Unit-Concentration Method to Quantify Source Contribution.” Groundwater 62 (2): 303–9.
Kouba, C., Scantlebury, L., and Harter, T. 2024. “Water Rights: Scott Valley Integrated Hydrologic Model (SVIHM) Webinar.” Presented at the California State Water Resources Control Board Webinar, February 15.
DiFilippo, E., Andrews, C., Hoagland, B., and Davis, G. 2024. “Polymer Based PFAS as Long-Term Source to Surface Water in the Alabama River System.” Presented at the National Ground Water Association’s Groundwater in the PFAS Era conference, Tucson, AZ, April 16.
- Barth, G., Rogers, J.D., and Ou, M. 2024. “Anticipating the Impacts of Management Alternatives on Groundwater and Stream Depletion: Groundwater Model Development and Application.” Presented at the Washington Hydrogeology Symposium, Auburn, WA, April.
Cohen, H.A. and DiFilippo, E. 2024. “Overlapping Aroclors and the Difficulty of Demonstrating Cleanup Standards – an Example.” Presented at the Batelle Chlorinated Conference, Denver, Colorado, June 2-6.
Annette, H., Rogers, J., and Barth, G. 2024. “Numerical Modeling Allows Sustainable Use of Groundwater to Meet Surface Water Obligations in Dry Pecos River Basin, New Mexico.” Presented at MODFLOW and More 2024, Princeton University, June 4.
Henry, J.C., Neville, C., and Olson, A.N. 2024. “Estimation of Aquifer Transmissivity from Analysis of Long-Term Monitoring with the Thiem Solution.” Groundwater 62 (2): 295–302.
Hoagland, B., Rasmussen, K.L, Singha, K., Spear, J.R., and Navarre-Sitchler, A. 2024. “Metal-Oxide Precipitation Influences Microbiome Structure in Hyporheic Zones Receiving Acid Rock Drainage.” Applied and Environmental Microbiology, February, e01987-23.
Rogers, J.D., Barth, G., and Hayes, D. “A Graphical Interface to Quantify and Visualize Streamflow Depletion.” Presented at the New Mexico Water Data Initiative Workshop, Albuquerque, NM, May.
Sandoe, L. 2024. “Deciphering Hydrological Responses: Elastic and Poroelastic Behavior Through GPS Temporal Analysis.” Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences.
Ma, R., Chen, K., Andrews, C., Loheide, S.P., Sawyer, A.H., Jiang, X., Briggs, M.A., et al. 2024. “Methods for Quantifying Interactions Between Groundwater and Surface Water.” Annual Review of Environment and Resources 49 (July).
Ou, M., Bedekar, V., Tonkin, M., and Barth, G. 2024. “CHUMP: A Configuration-Based Postprocessing Framework for Automated Workflows.” Presented at the MODFLOW and More 2024, Princeton University, June 5.
Ou, M., Muffels, C., Tonkin, M., and Bedekar, V. 2024. “Incorporating Kriging Errors through Sequential Gaussian Simulation for Pilot Point Parameterization.” Presented at MODFLOW and More 2024, Princeton University, June 5.
Scantlebury, L. and Harter, T. 2024. “Enhancing a Groundwater-Surface Water Model with Airborne Electromagnetic Data and Texture2Par.” Presented at the MODFLOW and More 2024, Princeton University, June 5.
Zhan, Y., Guo, Z., Ruzzante, S., Gleeson, T., Andrews, C., Babovic, V., and Zheng, C. 2024. “Assessment of Spatiotemporal Risks for Nationwide Groundwater Nitrate Contamination.” Science of The Total Environment 947 (October):174508.
Hatch, T., Neely, W., Bedekar, V., and Tolley, G., 2023. California’s Sinking Feeling: An Introduction to Subsidence. Hydrovisions, 2023 Fall Issue, p. 10-12.
Bardsley, A., Hammond, D.E., McNeill, K., Scantlebury, L., Harter, T., and Foglia, L. 2023. “Combining Hydrological Modeling and Field Measurements to Evaluate the Impact of Irrigation Ditches on Groundwater Recharge and Salmon Habitat in Scott Valley, CA.” Presented at the AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Cohen, H.A., Breslin, K.P., and Rafferty, M.T. 2023. “A Complex Brownfields Case Study—The Former Bannister Federal Complex, Kansas City, Missouri.” Groundwater Monitoring & Remediation 43 (3): 129–38.
DiFilippo, E., Tonkin, M., Huber, W. 2023. “Use of Censored Multiple Regression to Interpret Temporal Environmental Data and Assess Remedy Progress.” Groundwater 61 (6): 846–64.
Wang, J., Kladias, M.P., Divine, C., and Killingstad, M. 2023. “Evaluation of the Probabilistic Capture Performance of Horizontal Reactive Treatment Well (HRX Well®).” Presented at the PEST Conference.
Rogers, J.D., Barth, G., Hayes, D., and Chowdhury, M. 2023. “Map-Based Open-Source Stream Depletion Tools: Assessing Impacts and Exploring Options with Rapid Stream Depletion Estimates.” Presented at the California Water & Environmental Modeling Forum 2023 Annual Meeting, Folsom, CA, April.
Scantlebury, L., and Harter, T. 2023. “Texture-Based Interpretation of Airborne Electromagnetic Data for Use in a Groundwater-Surface Water Model.” AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Ou, M., Muffels, C., Tonkin, M., and Bedekar, V. 2023. “Example Applications of a New Zone Budget Utility Developed for ParFlow.” Presented at the California Water & Environmental Modeling Forum (CWEMF), Folsom, CA, April 17-19.
Tonkin, M., Scantlebury, L., Bedekar, V., Ou, M., Baer, J., Cayar, M., Ceyhan, S., and Najmus, S. 2023. “Effective Use of Airborne Electromagnetic (AEM) Data for Groundwater Modeling.” Presented at the Western Groundwater Congress, GRA, Burbank, CA, September 12-14.
Tonkin, M., Bedekar, V., Ou, M., Scantlebury, L., Baer, J., Cayar, M., Ceyhan, S., and Najmus, S. 2023. “Aquifer Parameterization with Texture2Par Incorporating Airborne Electromagnetic (AEM) Survey Data and Hydrogeological Conceptual Modeling (HCM).” Presented at the California Water & Environmental Modeling Forum (CWEMF), Folsom, CA, April 17-19.
McCulley, B., Andrews, C., Johnson, B., Riese, A.C., and Jonas, J. 2023. “Defining the Extent of Mine-Influenced Groundwater in a Mineralized and Agricultural Area Using Multiple Lines of Evidence.” Mine Water and the Environment 42 (1): 78–97.
Petersen, B. 2023. “Practical Guidance for Electrical Resistivity Surveying in the Presence of Metallic Infrastructure.” Proceedings of the Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems, April 2 – 6, 2023, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Singley, J., Briggs, M., Hoagland, B., Lauer, R., Meeks, J., Regberg, A., Rey, D., Swift Bird, K., and Ward, A. 2023. “Integrated Field, Model, and Theoretical Advances Inform a Predictive Understanding of Transport and Transformation in the Critical Zone” 621:129653.
Bedekar, V. 2023. “Groundwater Management in Arizona.” Presented at the California Water & Environmental Modeling Forum (CWEMF), Folsom, CA, April 17-19.
Bedekar, V. 2023. “Lessons Learned from Groundwater Management in Arizona.” Presented at the Western Groundwater Congress, GRA, Burbank, CA, September 12-14.
Bedekar, V. 2023. “Regional-Scale Groundwater Modeling Utilizing Well Log and Geophysical Data.” Arizona Hydrological Society Symposium, Flagstaff, AZ, September 13-16.
Bedekar, V., Dogrul, C., Ceyhan, S., and Taghavi, A. 2023. “Delayed Subsidence in IWFM.” Presented at the California Water & Environmental Modeling Forum (CWEMF), Folsom, CA, April 17-19.
Bedekar, V., Neville, C, Tonkin, M., Bartlett, R.D., and Plato, P. 2023. “A Unit-Concentration Method to Quantify Source Contribution.” Presented at the California Water & Environmental Modeling Forum (CWEMF), Folsom, CA, April 17-19.
Bedekar, V. and Goswami, R. 2023. “Aquifer Characterization Using Texture2Par.” Presented at the Texas Groundwater Summit, San Antonio, Texas, August 29- 31.
Bedekar, V., Goswami, R., Sharp, J., Acevedo. J., and Fagan, M.(J.). 2023. “Delineating Buffer Zones for Brackish Water Resource Protection in Texas.” Presented at the California Water & Environmental Modeling Forum (CWEMF), Folsom, CA, April 17-19.
Wang, X., Tian, Y., Yu, J., Lancia, M., Chen, J., Xiao, K., Zheng, Y., Andrews, C., and Zheng, C. 2023. “Complex Effects of Tides on Coastal Groundwater Revealed by High‐Resolution Integrated Flow Modeling.” Water Resources Research 59 (10): e2022WR033942.
Yu, J., Tian, Y., Jing, H., Sun, T., Wang, X., Andrews, C., and Zheng, C. 2023. “Predicting Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant Discharges Using Machine Learning and Population Migration Big Data.” ACS ES&T Water 3 (5): 1314–28.
Andrews, C., and Hennet, R.J.-C. 2022. “Quest for Groundwater Quality Sustainability – Lessons from 40 Years of Remediation in the United States.” Sustainable Horizons 2 (March):100009.
Ben, Y., Hu, M., Zhong, F., Du, E., Li, Y., Zhang, H., Andrews, C., and Zheng, C. 2022. “Human Daily Dietary Intakes of Antibiotic Residues: Dominant Sources and Health Risks.” Environmental Research 212 (September):113387.
Chlumsky, R., Craig, J. R., Lin, S. G. M., Grass, S., Scantlebury, L., Brown, G., and Arabzadeh, R. 2022. “RavenR v2.1.4: An Open-Source R Package to Support Flexible Hydrologic Modelling.” Geosci. Model Dev. 15 (18): 7017–30.
Happel, E., Hoagland. B., Jean Pierre, O., Russo, T., and Satterthwaite, M. 2022. “Participatory Baseline Water Study Improves Scientific Data and Strengthens Community Power.” Open Global Rights.
Hoagland, B., Navarre-Sitchler, A., Singha, K., Rasmussen, K., and Spear, J. 2022. “Microbiome Structure Influenced by Metal-Oxide Precipitation in Hyporheic Zones Receiving Acid Mine Drainage.” Goldschmidt Conference, Honolulu, HI, USA: European Association of Geochemistry.
Wang, J., Killingstad, M., Kladias, M.P., Khambhammettu, P., and Potter, S.T. 2022. “Building a Better Mousetrap: The Evolution of MODALL.” Presented at the MODFLOW and More Conference.
Wang, J., Killingstad, M., and Khambhammettu, P. 2022. “Application of Time-Series Analysis to Quantify Hydraulic Influence of a Pump and Treat System to Help Assess Capture.” Presented at the MODFLOW and More Conference.
Jin, M., Lancia, M., Tian, Y., Viaroli, S., Andrews, S., Liu, J., and Zheng, C. 2022. “The Role of Aquifers in Sustaining the Sponge City Concept in Chinese High-Density Housing.” Water 14 (6): 929.
Wyatt, K., Beck, M., and Tonkin, M. 2022. “Advanced Geostatistics to Optimize the Sampling Approach for Contaminated Soil Investigations and Remediations.” Presented at the Battelle’s Twelfth International Conference on Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds. May.
Breslin, K., and Cohen, H. 2022. “Simultaneous Remediation and Redevelopment of the Bannister Federal Site – Approaches to Waste Management on a Large Scale.” Presented at the 29th Annual AWMA Midwest Section Environmental Technical Conference, Lenexa, Kansas, May 4.
Kong, L., Wang, L., Andrews, C., and Zheng, C. 2022. “One-Step Construction of Hierarchical Porous Channels on Electrospun MOF/Polymer/Graphene Oxide Composite Nanofibers for Effective Arsenate Removal from Water.” Chemical Engineering Journal 435 (May):134830.
Kong, L., Yan, Q., Wang, Y., Wang, O., Andrews, C., and Zheng, C. 2022. “Self-Supported Trimetallic NiZnLa Nanosheets on Hierarchical Porous Graphene Oxide-Polymer Composite Fibers for Enhanced Phosphate Removal from Water.” Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 628 (December):807–18.
Kong, L., Zhang, J., Wang, Y., Yan, Q, Xu, J., Quan, X., Andrews, C., Zhang, Z., and Zheng, C. 2022. “Bowknot-like Zr/La Bimetallic Organic Frameworks for Enhanced Arsenate and Phosphate Removal: Combined Experimental and DFT Studies.” Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 614 (May):47–57.
Sandoe, L., and Herring, T. 2022. “Lake Levels in California Using GNSS Inversion with Horizontal Regularization.” Presented at the NASA/ADS, AGU Fall Meeting 2022, held in Chicago, IL, December 12-16, id. G53A-01.
Scantlebury, L., and Harter, T. 2022. “Tale of Two Droughts–Analysis of Changing Hydrology in the Scott Valley Watershed, California.” Presented at the AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, H22O-0989, Chicago, IL.
Scantlebury, L., Bedekar, V., Karanovic, M., and Tonkin, M. 2022. “Texture2Par: A Parsimonious Hydraulic Parameter Estimation Utility for IWFM and MODFLOW.” Presented at the Western Groundwater Congress, GRA, Sacramento, CA, September 19-21.
Lancia, M., Yao, Y., Andrews, C., Wang, X., Kuang, X., Ni, J., Gorelick, S.M., Scanlon, B.R., Wang, Y., and Zheng, C. 2022. “The China Groundwater Crisis: A Mechanistic Analysis with Implications for Global Sustainability.” Sustainable Horizons 4 (October):100042.
Muffels, C., Panday, S., Andrews, C., Tonkin, M., and Spiliotopoulos, A. 2022. “Simulating Groundwater Interaction with a Surface Water Network Using Connected Linear Networks.” Groundwater 60 (6): 801–7.
Neville, C. 2022. “Alternative Interpretation of the Pressure Front Displacement Pulse for Pumping Tests in Confined Aquifers.” Hydrological Processes 36 (10): e14744.
Goswami, R.R., Fagan, M., Chen, T., Mohandass, U.J., Bente, C., Bedekar, V., Neville, C., and Sharp, J.M. 2022. “Develop Procedures and Tools to Delineate Areas Designated or Used for Class II Well Wastewater Injectate.” Final Report for TWDB Contract # 2000012453. (State Agency Contract Report).
Bedekar, V., O’Connell, M., and Tonkin, M. 2022. “Applications of Data Analyses Techniques.” Presented at the Western Groundwater Congress, GRA, Sacramento, CA, September 19-21.
Bedekar, V., Goswami, R., Sharp, Jr., J., Acevedo, J., and Fagan, M. 2022. “Statewide Mapping of Class II Well Injectate Migration in Texas,” World Environmental & Water Resources Congress, June 5-8, Atlanta, GA.
Weigel, A., Scantlebury, L., Kouba, C., and Harter, T. 2022. “Stream Reconnection Dynamics after Dry Season Baseflow Drought.” Presented at the AGU Fall Meeting.
Zhang, Y., Mayer, A., Gulley, J., Bedekar, V., and Martin, J. 2022. “Brackish Water Depletion on Tropical Islands under Seasonal Climate Patterns as Lakes Form and Expand with Rising Sea Level,” 2022. Frontiers in Hydrology, AGU, San Juan, Puerto Rico, June 19-24
Yu, J., Tian, Y., Wang, X., Wang, X., Lancia, M., Li, H., Andrews, C., and Zheng, C. 2022. “A New Simulation‐Optimization Framework for Estimation of Submarine Groundwater Discharge Based on Hydrodynamic Modeling and Isotopic Data.” Geophysical Research Letters 49 (23): e2022GL098893.
Zahn, E., Bou-Zeid, E., Good, S.P., Katul, G.G., Thomas, C.K., Ghannam, K., Smith, J.A., et al. 2022. “Direct Partitioning of Eddy-Covariance Water and Carbon Dioxide Fluxes into Ground and Plant Components.” Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 315 (March):108790.
Andrews, C., Henry, J.C., and Anderson‐Vincent, A. 2021. “Rapid Cleanup of a Perchlorate Plume from Fireworks.” Groundwater 59 (4): 614–20.
Bentley, M.J., Solomon, M., Marten, B.M., Shimabuku, K.K., and Cook, S.M. 2021. “Evaluating Landfill Leachate Treatment by Organic Municipal Solid Waste-Derived Biochar.” Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology 7 (11): 2064–74.
Doherty, J., Rumbaugh, J., and Muffels, C. 2021. “Probabilistic Contributing Area Analysis, A GMDSI Worked Example Report.” National Centre for Groundwater Research and Training, Flinders University, South Australia.
Hoagland, B., Mosley, L., Russo, T., Kirby, J., Cullen, C., Fantle, M.S., Raven, M., and Fisher, J. 2021. “Arsenic Sequestration in Gold Mine Wastes under Changing pH and Experimental Rewetting Cycles.” Applied Geochemistry 124 (January):104789.
Rogers, J.D., Barth, G., and Hayes, D. 2021. “A Graphical Interface to Quantify and Visualize Streamflow Depletion.” Presented at the Sustaining Colorado Watersheds Conference, Avon, CO, October.
Jin, M., Lancia, M., Tian, Y., Viaroli, S., Andrews, S., Liu, J., and Zheng, C. 2021. “Hydrogeological Criteria to Improve the Sponge City Strategy of China.” Frontiers in Environmental Science 9 (July):700463.
Scantlebury, L. 2021. “Pragmatic Groundwater-Surface Water Model Coupling with Unstructured Grids.” University of Waterloo.
Marcon, V., Hoagland, B., Gu, X., Liu, W., Kaye, J., DiBiase, R.A., and Brantley, S.L. 2021. “How the Capacity of Bedrock to Collect Dust and Produce Soil Affects Phosphorus Bioavailability in the Northern Appalachian Mountains of Pennsylvania.” Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 46 (14): 2807–23.
Tonkin, M. and Chowdhury, M. 2021. “Monitoring Network Analysis for Integrated Central Plateau Decision Making (at the DOE Hanford Site).” Presented at the REMPLEX, the 2021 Global Summit on Environmental Remediation, November.
Rickel, A., Hoagland, B., Navarre-Sitchler, A., and Singha, K. 2021. “Seasonal Shifts in Surface Water-Groundwater Connections in a Ferricrete-Impacted Stream Estimated from Electrical Resistivity.” GEOPHYSICS 86 (5): WB117–29.
Yang, L., Zheng, C., Andrews, C., and Wang, C. 2021. “Applying a Regional Transport Modeling Framework to Manage Nitrate Contamination of Groundwater.” Groundwater 59 (2): 292–307.
Yao, Y., Zheng, C., Andrews, C., Scanlon, B.R., Kuang, X., Zeng, Z., Jeong, S., Lancia, M., Wu, Y., and Li, G. 2021. “Role of Groundwater in Sustaining Northern Himalayan Rivers.” Geophysical Research Letters 48 (10): e2020GL092354.
Ben, Y., Hu, M., Zhang, X., Wu, S., Wong, M.H., Wang, M., Andrews, C., and Zheng, C. 2020. “Efficient Detection and Assessment of Human Exposure to Trace Antibiotic Residues in Drinking Water.” Water Research 175 (May):115699.
Hoagland, B., Singha, K., Randell, J., and Navarre-Sitchler, A. 2020. “Streamflow Data from Hoagland et al. (2020), Groundwater-Stream Connectivity Mediates Metal(Loid) Geochemistry in the Hyporheic Zone of Streams Impacted by Historic Mining and Acid Rock Drainage.” HydroShare.
Craig, J.R., Ramadhan, M., and Muffels, C. 2020. “A Particle Tracking Algorithm for Arbitrary Unstructured Grids.” Groundwater 58 (1): 19–26.
Divine, C.E., Wright, J., Crimi, M., Devlin, J.F., Lubrecht, M., Wang, J., McDonough, J., et al. 2020. “Field Demonstration of the Horizontal Treatment Well (HRX Well®) for Passive In Situ Remediation.” Groundwater Monitoring & Remediation 40 (3): 42–54.
Guo, Z., Russo, A.E., DiFilippo, E., Zhang, Z., Zheng, C., and Brusseau, M.L. 2020. “Mathematical Modeling of Organic Liquid Dissolution in Heterogeneous Source Zones.” Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 235 (November):103716.
Hoagland, B., Navarre-Sitchler, A., Cowie, R., and Singha, K. 2020. “Groundwater–Stream Connectivity Mediates Metal(Loid) Geochemistry in the Hyporheic Zone of Streams Impacted by Historic Mining and Acid Rock Drainage.” Frontiers in Water 2 (December):600409.
Ji, F., Fan, L., Andrews, C., Yao, Y., and Zheng, C. 2020. “Dynamics of Seasonally Frozen Ground in the Yarlung Zangbo River Basin on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau: Historical Trend and Future Projection.” Environmental Research Letters 15 (10): 104081.
Sandoe, L., Materna, K., Lindsay, D., and Bürgmann, R. 2020. “Clustering Interseismic Strain Rates Near the Mendocino Triple Junction.” Presented at the NASA/ADS, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, abstract #G021-0002.
Lancia, M., Su, H., Tian, Y., Xu, J., Andrews, C., Lerner, D.N., and Zheng, C. 2020. “Hydrogeology of the Pearl River Delta, Southern China.” Journal of Maps 16 (2): 388–95.
Lancia, M., Zheng, C., He, X, Lerner, D.N., Andrews, C., and Tian, Y. 2020. “Hydrogeological Constraints and Opportunities for ‘Sponge City’ Development: Shenzhen, Southern China.” Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 28 (April):100679.
Lower-Spies, E.E., Whitney, N.M., Wanamaker, A.D., Griffin, S.M., Introne, D.S., and Kreutz, K.J. 2020. “A 250-Year, Decadally Resolved, Radiocarbon Time History in the Gulf of Maine Reveals a Hydrographic Regime Shift at the End of the Little Ice Age.” Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 125 (9): e2020JC016579.
Neville, C., and Andrews, C. 2020. “Containment of Sources of Groundwater Contamination: Analysis of Mass Fluxes.” Groundwater 58 (2): 183–88.
Ou, G. 2020. “Development of GUI Applications for Groundwater Modeling Using Python.” Groundwater 58 (4): 496–97.
Petersen, B., and Shannon, R. 2020. “Hydrogeologic Characterization Using P-Wave Refraction and Multi-Channel Analysis of Surface Waves at a Brownfield Site: A Case Study.” FastTIMES 25 (2): 62–67.
Tonkin, M., Hill, M., Maxwell, R.M., and Zheng, C. 2020. “Groundwater Modeling and Beyond: MODFLOW-and-More-2019 Special Issue.” Groundwater 58 (3): 325–26.
Muffels, C., Scantlebury, L., Wang, X., Tonkin, M., Neville, C., Ramadhan, M., Craig, J.R. 2020. “User’s Guide for Mod-PATH3DU, a Groundwater Path and Travel-Time Simulator.” S.S. Papadopulos & Associates, Inc. http://mp3du.sspa. com/man/.
Bedekar, V., Scantlebury, L., Panday, S., and Langevin, C. 2019. “Axisymmetric Modeling with Unstructured Grids of MODFLOW-USG and MODFLOW 6.” Presented at MODFLOW and More, Golden, CO, June 2-5.
Bedekar, V., Scantlebury, L., and Panday, S. 2019. “Axisymmetric Modeling Using MODFLOW-USG.” Groundwater 57 (5): 772–77.
Bessinger, B., and Hennet, R.J.-C. 2019. “Effectiveness of Monitored Natural Attenuation (MNA) as a Groundwater Remedy for Arsenic in Phosphatic Wastes.” Groundwater Monitoring & Remediation 39 (4): 52–68.
Cohen, H. 2019. “Dig and Haul – The ‘Simple’ Remedial Alternative?” Presented at the EAS Seminar, Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, October 16.
DiFilippo, E., Tonkin, M., Spiliotopoulos, A., Huber, W., and Rohay, V. 2019. “Evaluating Environmental Remediation Performance at Radwaste Sites Using Multiple, Censored Regression Analysis – 19348.” In proceedings of WM2019: 45 Annual Waste Management Conference, Phoenix, AZ, March 3-7.
Barth, G. 2019. “Understanding and Conveying Groundwater’s Role in a Changing World.” Presented at the GRA’s Second Annual Groundwater Congress, Sacramento, CA, September 17 – 19.
Cohen, H. 2019. “Transforming the Bannister Federal Complex – Environmental Challenges of a Simultaneous Remediation / Demolition / Redevelopment Project.” Presented at the SERDP Symposium, Washington DC, December 3-4.
Hein, A., Condon, L., and Maxwell, R. 2019. “Evaluating the Relative Importance of Precipitation, Temperature and Land-Cover Change in the Hydrologic Response to Extreme Meteorological Drought Conditions over the North American High Plains.” Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. 23 (4): 1931–50.
Henschel, J.R., Wassenaar, T.D., Kanandjembo A., Louw, M.K, Neef, G., Shuuya, T., and Soderberg, K. 2019. “Roots Point to Water Sources of in a Hyperarid Desert.” Ecohydrology 12 (1): e2039.
Hoagland, B., Schmidt, C., Russo, T.A., Adams, R., and Kaye, J. 2019. “Controls on Nitrogen Transformation Rates on Restored Floodplains along the Cosumnes River, California.” Science of The Total Environment 649 (February):979–94.
Mihm, K. 2019. “Measuring Methane in Water Wells – A Tale of Two Methods from Field Screening to Passive Sampling.” 2019. Presented at the National Groundwater Association Conference on Groundwater and Oil and Gas Development: Improved Management Practices for Groundwater Protection and Water Supply, San Antonio, TX, March 4-5.
Knuckey, S., Hoffman, B., Fisher, J., and Russo, T. 2019. “Red Water: Mining and the Right to Water in Porgera, Papua New Guinea.” Columbia Law School Human Rights Clinic and AC4, Earth Institute, Columbia University.
Chowdhury, M.A., Tonkin, M., Muffels, C., Karanovic, M., and Binard, K. 2019. “Water-Level Mapping for Low-Magnitude Hydraulic Gradient Areas Using Tikhonov Inverse Regularization.” Presented at the MODFLOW and More Conference, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO, June.
Materna, K., Mohanna, S.Y., Sandoe, L., Bartlow, N.M., and Bürgmann, R. 2019. “Interseismic Strain Accumulation and Uplift at the Mendocino Triple Junction from Geodetic Datasets.” Presented at the NASA/ADS, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, abstract #G41B-0719.
Solomon, M.E. 2019. “Landfill Waste Biochar Adsorbents for Organic Contaminant Removal in Landfill Leachate.” Master’s Thesis at University of Colorado, Boulder.
Tonkin, M., Karanovic, M., Binard, K., Faught, B., Ni, J., and Hildebrand, R.D. 2019. “Waste Facility Groundwater Monitoring Design Under Uncertainty – 19462.” Presented at the WM2019: 45. Annual Waste Management Conference, Phoenix, AZ, March 3-7.
Muffels, C., Bedekar, V., and Kulbersh, M. 2019. “An Evaluation of Linear Interpolation Schemes for the Ghost-Node Correction Package of MODFLOW-USG.” Presented at MODFLOW and More 2019: Groundwater Modeling and Beyond. Integrated Ground Water Modeling Center, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO, June 2-5.
Muffels, C., and Scantlebury, L. 2019. “Mod-PATH3DU Version 3: New Features, Verification and Intercomparisons.” Presented at MODFLOW and More 2019: Groundwater Modeling and Beyond. Integrated Ground Water Modeling Center, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO, June 2-5.
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Bedekar, V., Scantlebury, L., Karanovic, M., and Tonkin, M. 2019. “Texture2Par: A Parameterization Utility for IWFM and MODFLOW.” Presented at the California Water and Environmental Modeling Forum, Folsom, CA.
Wang, X., and Neville, C. 2019. “A Semi-Analytical Solution for the Transport of Solutes with Complex Sequences of First-Order Reactions.” Computers & Geosciences 123 (February):121–36.
Yao, Y., Andrews, C., Zheng, Y., He, X., Babovic, V., and Zheng, C. 2019. “Development of Fresh Groundwater Lens in Coastal Reclaimed Islands.” Journal of Hydrology 573 (June):365–75.
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SSP&A recommends the following books:
This text of this free eBook, authored by Dr. Neven Kresic, is provided as a technically accessible resource for an undergraduate level academic course in hydrogeology (also known as groundwater hydrology, geohydrology, and groundwater engineering) and also as a self-study guide for practitioners or those newer to the field.
This book was written by Dr. Chunmiao Zheng, Chair Professor and Vice President at the Eastern Institute of Technology in Ningbo, China, and Mr. Gordon Bennett - both former SSP&A senior associates. This resource brings together, in a single volume, both the theoretical and practical aspects of contaminant transport modeling.
Environmental and Water Resource Solutions
S.S. Papadopulos & Associates is a multi-disciplinary consulting firm focused on delivering solutions for groundwater and hydrogeology, environmental engineering, contaminant studies, remediation, geochemistry, and surface-water hydrology.