
SSP&A actively contributes to the development of the field of groundwater science through the publication of papers and textbooks, and presentations at technical conferences.

Free eBook Downloads

Hydrogeology 101 - KresicIn keeping with S.S. Papadopulos & Associates, Inc. (SSP&A)’s commitment to further knowledge in our field, we are delighted to enable the download from this page the book, “Hydrogeology 101: Introduction to Groundwater Science and Engineering”. This text, authored by Dr. Neven Kresic, is being provided as a free-of-charge and technically accessible resource for an undergraduate level academic course in hydrogeology (also known as groundwater hydrology, geohydrology, and groundwater engineering) and also as a self-study guide for practitioners or those newer to the field. SSP&A was established in 1979 to provide professional groundwater and hydrogeology consulting services, has led or contributed to the development of leading simulation and calculation software, in recent years distributed primarily as freeware or open source, and maintained close ties with professional organizations, research programs, national labs, academia, and other leading experts in the environmental field. This has included authoring peer-reviewed articles and leading or contributing to books on the topics of contaminant transport and model calibration and uncertainty analysis, among other topics.