Groundwater Desktop (GWD) is a commercial software program that was developed by SSP&A for three-dimensional (3D) visualization and analysis of groundwater models and environmental data. GWD supports the integrated water flow model (IWFM) code developed by the California Department of Water Resources, and MODFLOW-USG, which was developed by GSI Environmental in collaboration with the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS).

GroundWater Desktop was developed to visualize and analyze environmental data and groundwater flow and transport models in three-dimensions. Visualizations include scatter plots, contours, color floods, and volumes. Basemaps and imagery can be augmented with buildings for a more immersive 3D experience. Cross-sectional, cut-away, and layer “exploded” views are available.

GWD includes an extensive toolkit to analyze water-level and concentration data. It can be used to visualize any model, and currently supports MODFLOW, MODPATH, MT3D, the unstructured grid MODFLOW-USG, and the finite-element Integrated Water Flow Model (IWFM). All models can be examined using cross-sectional, cut-away and layer “exploded” views, implementing Visual Tool Kit (VTK) object packages.

Incorporated into GWD is KT3D_H2O, which combines various programs to generate gridded maps of water-level elevations using different hydrologically based drift types to account for pumping wells and surface-water features. Particle tracks and the capture zones of pumping wells can also be calculated for the resulting surfaces. Kriging options are also available to grid concentration data for enhanced plume analysis.

DISCLAIMER: SP&A’s software is provided “AS IS”, without warranty of any kind, including, without limitation, the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. We request only that application of the software and production of results using the code is accompanied by a suitable acknowledgment. The entire risk and responsibility as to the quality and performance of the Software is borne by the user. SSP&A disclaims all other warranties.

GroundWater Desktop website

GroundWater Desktop

Visit the GroundWater Desktop website for more information, downloads, forums, support, and to purchase.

