Source Screen Module (SSM) for Contaminant Transport
A screening level tool, Source Screening Module (SSM) was developed by SSP&A to evaluate the threat posed by waste sites on groundwater quality. This tool implements analytical solutions to simulate contaminant transport, including PFAS, through the vadose and saturated zones and predict time-varying concentrations at potential groundwater receptors. The screening tool was developed within a user friendly, Microsoft ExcelTM based interface; however, care has been taken to implement rigorous solutions. The screening tool considers:
- Partitioning of soil contamination into an equivalent dissolved concentration;
- One-dimensional (1D) transport of the dissolved contamination through the vadose zone considering 1D dispersion, equilibrium sorption, and first order transformation reactions;
- Blending (mixing) of ambient water quality in the saturated zone with the contaminated water leaching from the vadose zone; and
- 3D transport through the saturated zone.
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