Dr. Bedekar is a water resources and environmental consultant with experience working on a variety of modeling and software development projects.
Dr. Bedekar’s experience includes the development of numerous local and regional models, surface-water/groundwater interaction models, flow-and-transport models, and variable density models. He has developed numerous modeling codes and is the lead author of MT3D-USGS. Dr. Bedekar publishes research papers, provides peer reviews, and instructs at modeling and software training courses.
- PhD, Civil Engineering, Auburn University, 2019
- MS, Environmental Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, 2001
- BS, Civil Engineering, University of Pune, India, 1998
- Professional Civil Engineer, Washington District of Columbia No. PE904565
- Flow and Transport Modeling
- Numerical Software Development
- Surface Water-Groundwater Modeling
- MODFLOW, MT3D, and IWFM Development
- DAAD scholarship for master’s project, Institute for Hydraulics and Water Resource Management, RWTH-Aachen, Germany: 2000–2001
- Gold Medal awarded for best academic performance in MS, Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Madras, India: 1999–2001
- 2023 – 2024: Co-convener, California Water and Environmental Modeling Forum (CWEMF), California
- 2023: Chair, GRACast subcommittee, Groundwater Resources Association (GRA), California
- 2022: Co-chair, GRACast subcommittee, Groundwater Resources Association (GRA), California
- 2021 – 2023: External faculty in the Civil Engineering Department at the University of Memphis (three-year term)
- 2017: Member, Scientific Advisory Committee, Seventh International Groundwater Conference (IGWC-2017), Coimbatore, India, February.
- 2016: Judge for NASA’s Special Award at 35th Annual Loudoun County Public Schools Regional Science & Engineering Fair (RSEF), Freedom High School, March.
- 2013 – 2015: Committee Member, Loudoun County Water Resources Technical Advisory Committee, Virginia.
- 2012: Panel Member, International Groundwater Conference (IGWC) panel on fracture flow modeling and issues related to local farmers, Aurangabad, India.
Geochemical and Hydrogeological Evaluation of Former Yerington Mine Site
Hanford Site Statistics and PHREEQC Geochemical Model
Aquifer Parameter Tool (Texture2Par) Development
EPA Region 5 Hydrogeological Synthesis and Numerical Modeling Support
Water Resources Assessment, Pecos River Basin
Former Halliburton Manufacturing Facility
Hanford Natural Resources Damage Assessment Upwelling Study
Featured Presentation:
Aquifer Characterization using Texture2Par, Presented at the 2023 Texas Groundwater Summit in San Antonio:
Scantlebury, L., Bedekar, V., Tonkin, M.J., Karanovic, M., and Harter, T., 2025. Texture2Par: A Texture-Driven Tool for Estimating Subsurface Hydraulic Properties. Environmental Modelling & Software. doi: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2025.106372
Bedekar, V., Hatch, T., Traum, J.A., Tolley, G., Singh, A., and Faunt, C.C., 2024. Models: Tools for Estimating and Predicting Subsidence. Hydrovisions, 2024 Spring Issue, p. 14-17.
Hatch, T., Neely, W., Bedekar, V., and Tolley, G., 2023. California’s Sinking Feeling: An Introduction to Subsidence. Hydrovisions, 2023 Fall Issue, p. 10-12.
Bedekar, V., C. Neville, M.J. Tonkin, R.D. Bartlett, and P. Plato, 2023. A Unit-Concentration Method to Quantify Source Contribution: Groundwater,
doi: 10.1111/gwat.13333Bedekar, V., R. Goswami, 2023. Aquifer Characterization Using Texture2Par. Texas Groundwater Summit, August 29-31, San Antonio, Texas.
Bedekar, V., 2023. Regional-scale Groundwater Modeling Utilizing Well Log and Geophysical Data. Arizona Hydrological Society Symposium, September 13-16, Flagstaff, AZ.
Bedekar, V., 2023. Lessons Learned from Groundwater Management in Arizona. Western Groundwater Congress, GRA, September 12-14, Burbank, CA.
Tonkin, M., Scantlebury, L., V. Bedekar, M. Ou, J. Baer, M. Cayar, S. Ceyhan, S. Najmus, 2023. Effective Use of Airborne Electromagnetic (AEM) Data for Groundwater Modeling. Western Groundwater Congress, GRA, September 12-14, Burbank, CA.
Bedekar, V., 2023. Groundwater Management in Arizona. California Water & Environmental Modeling Forum (CWEMF), April 17-19, Folsom, CA.
Bedekar, V., C. Neville, M.J. Tonkin, R.D. Bartlett, and P. Plato, 2023. A Unit-Concentration Method to Quantify Source Contribution. California Water & Environmental Modeling Forum (CWEMF), April 17-19, Folsom, CA.
Bedekar, V., C. Dogrul, S. Ceyhan, and A. Taghavi, 2023. Delayed Subsidence in IWFM. California Water & Environmental Modeling Forum (CWEMF), April 17-19, Folsom, CA.
Bedekar, V., R. Goswami, J. Sharp, J. Acevedo, and M.(J.) Fagan, 2023. Delineating Buffer Zones for Brackish Water Resource Protection in Texas. California Water & Environmental Modeling Forum (CWEMF), April 17-19, Folsom, CA.
Ou, M., C. Muffels, M. Tonkin, and V. Bedekar, 2023. Example Applications of a New Zone Budget Utility Developed for ParFlow. California Water & Environmental Modeling Forum (CWEMF), April 17-19, Folsom, CA.
Goswami R.R., M. Fagan, T. Chen, U. J. Mohandass, C. Bente, V. Bedekar, C. Neville, and J.M. Sharp, 2022. Develop Procedures and Tools to Delineate Areas Designated or Used for Class II Well Wastewater Injectate, Final Report for TWDB Contract # 2000012453. (State Agency Contract Report).
Scantlebury, L., V. Bedekar, M. Karanovic, M. Tonkin, 2022. Texture2Par: A Parsimonious Hydraulic Parameter Estimation Utility for IWFM and MODFLOW. Western Groundwater Congress, GRA, September 19-21, Sacramento, CA.
Bedekar, V., M. O’Connell, M. Tonkin, 2022. Applications of Data Analyses Techniques. Western Groundwater Congress, GRA, September 19-21, Sacramento, CA.
Zhang, Y., A. Mayer, J. Gulley, V. Bedekar, and J. Martin, 2022. Brackish Water Depletion on Tropical Islands under Seasonal Climate Patterns as Lakes Form and Expand with Rising Sea Level. Frontiers in Hydrology, AGU, June 19-24, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Bedekar, V., R. Goswami, J. Sharp, Jr., J. Acevedo, and M. Fagan, 2022. Statewide Mapping of Class II Well Injectate Migration in Texas. World Environmental & Water Resources Congress 2022, June 5-8, Atlanta, GA.
Ou, G., C. Muffels, M. Tonkin, and V. Bedekar, 2022. Lessons Learned Developing a Zone Budget Utility for ParFlow. MODFLOW and More 2022, June 5-8, Princeton, NJ.
Ou, G., V. Bedekar, C. Neville, D. Hayes, M. Fagan, R. Goswami, J. Sharp, Jr., and J. Acevedo, 2022. A State-Wide Automated Web-Based Tool for Class II Well Wastewater Injectate Analysis, Part 2. MODFLOW and More 2022, June 5-8, Princeton, NJ.
Fagan, M., G. Ou, R. Goswami, V. Bedekar, J. Sharp, Jr., and J. Acevedo, 2022. State-Wide Automated Web-Based Tools for Class II Well Wastewater Injectate Analysis, Part 1. MODFLOW and More 2022, June 5-8, Princeton, NJ.
Bedekar, V., G. Ou, and M. Tonkin, 2022. Reactive Transport Capabilities in MT3D-USGS for Simulating Subsurface Contaminant Transport. Twelfth International Conference on Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds, Battelle’s Chlorinated Conference, May 22-26, Palm Springs, CA.
Cayar, M., V. Bedekar, and S. Ceyhan, 2022. C2VSimFG: Historical Calibration & Sensitivity Analysis. California Water & Environmental Modeling Forum (CWEMF) 2022, April 22, Folsom, CA.
Sharp, Jr. J, R. Goswami, and V. Bedekar, 2022. Potential to Use Class II Wells to Dispose of Desalination Residual Fluids in Texas: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 54, no.1. doi: 10.1130/abs/2022SC-373425
Baer, J., S. Ceyhan, M. Cayar, and V. Bedekar, 2021. Technical Memorandum on AEM Data Application in Groundwater Models. (Report prepared for the Department of Water Resources, Sacramento, CA).
Bedekar, V., Durbin, T., Bond L., 2021. Sacramento Valley Groundwater-Surface Water Simulation Model Technical Memorandum 5 (SVSim TM-5), Stream Depletion Calculation, prepared for the Department of Water Resources, Sacramento, CA. SVSim: Sacramento Valley Groundwater-Surface Water Simulation Model – SVSim TM-5: Stream Depletion Calculation – California Natural Resources Agency Open Data.
Bedekar, V., Cayar, M., Qian, F., and Durbin, T, 2021. Sacramento Valley Groundwater-Surface Water Simulation Model Technical Memorandum 4 (SVSim TM-4), Model Calibration and Sensitivity Analysis, prepared for the Department of Water Resources, Sacramento, CA. SVSim: Sacramento Valley Groundwater-Surface Water Simulation Model – SVSim TM-4: Model Calibration and Sensitivity Analysis – California Natural Resources Agency Open Data.
Goswami, R., V. Bedekar, T. Chen J. Fagan, C. Neville, J.M. Sharp Jr., and J.P. Acevedo, 2021. Use of Class II Injection Wells to Dispose of Desalination Residual Fluids in Texas [abs.]: GEOGULF2021, Oct 27-29.
Mei, Y., Mayer, A. S., Bedekar, V., Nan, Q., Gulley, J, 2020. Dispersive Mixing and Sea Level Rise Rates Control Depletion of Freshwater in Island-Lake-Aquifer Systems Undergoing Groundwater and Coastal Inundation. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2020, December. Abstract H223-04.
Bedekar, V.S., Matt O’Connell, Matt Tonkin, Linda Bond, Chris Bonds, Tyler Hatch, Mesut Cayar, Tim Durbin, 2020. Hydrograph Pattern Identification Using Fuzzy Cluster Analysis. Western Groundwater Congress, GRA, Sep. 14-17, Virtual Conference.
Bedekar, V.S., Sorab Panday, Christian Langevin, Eric Morway, 2020. Water Quality Modeling Capabilities in MT3D-USGS and MODFLOW-USG Relevant for SGMA. Western Groundwater Congress, GRA, Sep. 14-17, Virtual Conference.
Bedekar, V.S., S.S. Memari, and T.P. Clement, 2020. Saltwater Intrusion – Lessons Learnt from Laboratory Experiments and Numerical Modeling. Groundwater Monitoring Measurements, Management, and Applications; GRA, Mar. 3-4, Monterey, CA.
Bedekar, V.S., J. Riverson, S. Carter, S. Panday, R. Hassan, A. Weinberg, V. Zimmer, and D. Worth, 2020. Modeling the Complexities of Water Supply and Demand, Instream Flows, and Sustainable Water Management Scenarios for the South Fork Eel River Watershed. Groundwater Monitoring Measurements, Management, and Applications; GRA, Mar. 3-4, Monterey, CA.
Memari, S. S., V.S. Bedekar, and T.P. Clement, 2020. Laboratory and Numerical Investigation of Saltwater Intrusion Processes in a Circular Island Aquifer. Water Resources Research, 56, e2019WR025325. doi: 10.1029/2019WR025325
Memari, S. S., V.S. Bedekar, and T.P. Clement, 2019. Laboratory and Numerical Investigation of Saltwater Intrusion Processes in a Circular Island. World Environment and Water Resources Congress 2019, May 19-23, Pittsburgh, PA.
Bedekar, V., L. Scantlebury, S. Panday, and C. Langevin, 2019. Axisymmetric Modeling with Unstructured Grids of MODFLOW-USG and MODFLOW 6. MODFLOW and More 2019, June 2-5, Golden, CO.
Bedekar, V., S. Memari, and T.P. Clement, 2019. Understanding Transient Changes in Freshwater Storage Patterns in Island Aquifers. MODFLOW and More 2019, June 2-5, Golden, CO.
Morway, E.D., D.T. Feinstein, R.J. Hunt, and V. Bedekar, 2019. Modeling Flow and Heat Transport in Connected Stream-Aquifer Systems with a Warming Climate. MODFLOW and More 2019, June 2-5, Golden, CO.
Muffels, C., V. Bedekar, and M. Kulbersch, 2019. Designing the Ghost-Node Correction Package of MODFLOW-USG to Mitigate Local Flow Oscillations. MODFLOW and More 2019, June 2-5, Golden, CO.
Langevin, C.D., J.D. Hughes, A.M. Provost, S. Panday, R.G. Niswonger, S. Paulinski, J. Verkaik, E.D. Morway, V. Bedekar, and J. Larsen, 2019. Ongoing MODFLOW Development by the USGS and External Collaborators. MODFLOW and More 2019, June 2-5, Golden, CO.
Hunt, R.J., Feinstein, D.T., Morway, E.D., and V. Bedekar, 2019. Challenges and Insights from Heat Transport Modeling of a Humid Temperate Watershed. MODFLOW and More 2019, June 2-5, Golden, CO.
Tonkin, M., V. Bedekar, T. Durbin, L. Bond, C. Bonds, and M. Cayar, 2019. Simultaneous Texture-Based Calibration of Three California Central Valley Models. MODFLOW and More 2019, June 2-5, Golden, CO.
Bedekar, Vivek. “Development, Numerical Implementation, and Application of Methods to Simulate Solute Transport Processes in Porous Media Systems.” PhD diss., Auburn University, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/10415/6609
Bedekar, V., Memari, S.S., and T.P. Clement, 2019. Investigation of Transient Freshwater Storage in Island Aquifers. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology. Vol. 221, February 2019, p. 98-107. doi: 10.1016/j.jconhyd.2019.02.004
Bedekar, V., L. Scantlebury, and S. Panday, 2019. Axisymmetric Modeling Using MODFLOW-USG. Groundwater. doi: 10.1111/gwat.12861
Bedekar, V., T.P. Clement, and S.S. Memari, 2018. Understanding Transient Changes in Freshwater Lens Volumes in Island Aquifers. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2018, Abstract # H13L-1910.
Tonkin, M., and V. Bedekar, 2018. Use of Automated Calibration with IWFM-IDC Models: Examples from C2VSIM and SVSIM Applications. California Water & Environmental Modeling Forum (CWEMF) 2018, April 2-4, Folsom, CA.
Panday, S., V. Bedekar, and C.D. Langevin, 2017. Impact of Local Groundwater Flow Model Errors on Transport and a Practical Solution for the Issue. Groundwater. doi: 10.1111/gwat.12627
Panday, S., C. Langevin, A. Provost, and V. Bedekar, 2017. A Hydraulic Head Formulation for Density Dependent Flow and Transport. MODFLOW and More 2017, May 21-24, Golden, CO.
Gulley, J. D., A. S. Mayer, J. B. Martin, and V. Bedekar, 2016. Sea Level Rise and Inundation of Island Interiors: Assessing Impacts of Lake Formation and Evaporation on Water Resources in Arid Climates, Geophys. Res. Lett., 43, 9712–9719 doi:10.1002/2016GL070667.
Bedekar, V., E.D. Morway, C.D. Langevin, and M. Tonkin, 2016. MT3D-USGS Version 1: A U.S. Geological Survey Release of MT3DMS Updated with New and Expanded Transport Capabilities for Use With MODFLOW: U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods 6-A53, 69 p., doi: 10.3133/tm6A53
Bedekar, V., E.D. Morway, C.D. Langevin, and M. Tonkin, 2016. MT3D-USGS Version 1.0.0: Groundwater Solute Transport Simulator for MODFLOW: U.S. Geological Survey Software Release, 30 September 2016. doi: 10.5066/F75T3HKD
Neville, C.J. and V.S. Bedekar, 2016. Simulation of Flow and Transport in Fractured Rocks: An Approach for Practitioners. Chapter 17 in Groundwater Assessment, Modeling, and Management, M. Thangarajan and V.P. Singh eds. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. p.269-282.
Bedekar, V., E. Morway, C. Langevin, and M. Tonkin, 2015. New and Expanded Transport Capabilities of MT3D-USGS. MODFLOW and More 2015, May 31–June 3, Golden, CO.
Morway, E., V. Bedekar, C. Langevin, M. Tonkin, and R.G. Niswonger, 2015. Demonstration of Enhanced Groundwater Solute Transport Capabilities in MT3D-USGS. MODFLOW and More 2015, May 31–June 3, Golden, CO.
Bessinger, B., V. Bedekar, M. Truex, and M. Tonkin, 2015. Simulation of a Co-Precipitated Chromate-Calcite at a Large Waste Site. MODFLOW and More 2015, May 31–June 3, Golden, CO.
Morway, E., V. Bedekar, and C. Langevin, 2014. Recent Enhancements to MT3DMS for Simulation of Solute Exchange in Hydraulically Connected Stream-Aquifer Systems. the 2014 National Ground Water Association (NGWA) Ground Water Summit, Denver, CO, May 5-7.
Bedekar, V., E. Morway, C. Tana, C. Langevin, T. Rooze, and M. Tonkin, 2013. Enhancing MT3DMS for Simulating Solute Transport in a Coupled Groundwater/Surface-water System. MODFLOW and More 2013, June 2-5, Golden, CO.
Bedekar, V., T.P. Clement, and J. Vasconcelos, 2013. Stability and Accuracy of Implicit and Explicit Linear and Non-linear Schemes. MODFLOW and More 2013, June 2-5, Golden, CO.
Bedekar, V., R.G. Niswonger, K. Kipp, S. Panday, and M. Tonkin, 2012. Approaches to the Simulation of Unconfined Flow and Perched Groundwater Flow in MODFLOW. Ground Water, v. 50, pp. 187–198. doi: 10.1111/j.1745-6584.2011.00829
Bedekar, V., C. Neville, and M. Tonkin, 2012. Source Screening Module for Contaminant Transport Analysis Through Vadose and Saturated Zones. Ground Water, v. 50, pp. 954–958. doi: 10.1111/j.1745-6584.2012.00954
Bedekar, V., M. Tonkin, and M. Karanovic, 2012. Challenges and Solutions to Numerical Modeling of Deep Basalt Aquifers for Groundwater Management. International Groundwater Conference (IGWC) 2012, December 18-21, Aurangabad, India.
Bedekar, V., M. Tonkin, and A. Spiliotopoulos, 2011. Implementation of a Contaminant Treatment System (CTS) Module in MT3DMS. MODFLOW and More 2011, June 5-8, Golden, CO.
Bedekar, V., and M. Tonkin, 2011. The Dry Cell Problem: Simulation of Solute Transport with MT3DMS. MODFLOW and More 2011, June 5-8, Golden, CO.
Bedekar, V., S. Panday, and M. Tonkin, 2011. Approaches for Solving Unconfined Flow in MODFLOW, 2011. National Ground Water Association (NGWA) Ground Water Summit and the 2011 Ground Water Protection Council Spring Meeting, May 1-5, Baltimore, MD.
Bedekar, V., C.J. Neville, and M. Tonkin, 2010. Analysis of Contaminant Transport through the Vadose and Saturated Zones for Source Screening. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2010, Abstract #H53C-1059.
Guvanasen, V., V. Bedekar, D. Shinde, and R. Price, 2010. Development of a Flow and Transport Model in a Highly Interactive Surface-Water/Groundwater System Near the Everglades National Park. Submitted to 7th Annual International Symposium on Managed Aquifer Recharge, Abu Dhabi, October 9-13, 2010.
S. Panday, N. Brown, T. Foreman, V. Bedekar, J. Kaur, and P.S. Huyakorn, 2009. Simulating Dynamic Water Supply Systems in a Fully Integrated Surface-Subsurface Flow and Transport Model. Vadose Zone Journal, v. 8, no. 4, pp. 858-872.
Brown, N., B. Louie, F. Guerrero, T. Foreman, S. Panday, V. Bedekar, and J. Kaur, 2009. Managing Salinity in the Upper Santa Clara River System of California. Proceedings of the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2009: Great Rivers, May 17-21, Kansas City, MO.
Panday, S., T. Foreman, V. Bedekar, N. Brown, P. Sampath, and J. Kaur, 2008. Water Supply Systems in Groundwater/Surface-Water Models. The 2008 Computational Methods in Water Resources International Conference, San Francisco, CA, July 6-10, 2008.
Bedekar, V., S. Panday, H. Ahn, and F. Miralles-Wilhelm, 2006. Surface-Water Groundwater Interaction Model for Marsh Driven Operations to Manage the Ecosystem of the Rocky Glades. MODFLOW and More 2006: Managing Ground-Water Systems. International Ground Water Modeling Center, Colorado School of Mines Golden, CO, May 22-24, 2006.
Gabora, M., V. Bedekar, B. Linderfelt, and A. Davis, 2006. Integration of the LAK3 Package into MODFLOW-SURFACT to Simulate an Ephemeral Pit Lake, Northern California. MODFLOW and More 2006: Managing Ground-Water Systems. International Ground Water Modeling Center, Colorado School of Mines Golden, CO, May 22-24, 2006.
Huber, N.P., V.S. Bedekar, G. Demny, V. Lagendijk, T. Vogel, and J. Koengeter, 2001. Sensitivitaetsuntersuchungen an NumerischenGrundwassermoddellen (Sensitivity Analysis on Numerical Groundwater Models). Fourth FWU-Workshop of GIS-based Applications in Water Resources Management, University of Siegen, Siegen, Germany, February 21, 2001.
Upcoming Workshop
The 10th International Groundwater Conference will be held March 5-7 in Roorkee, India, with the theme of “Groundwater Vision 2047: Towards Water Security under Changing Climate.” Dr. Bedekar will instruct a 2-day pre-conference course on March 3-4 to teach theoretical concepts and provide a modeling toolkit for simulating groundwater solute transport to address contamination problems. The course includes theory, practical examples, and hands-on training. Visit the IGWC 2025 website for more information and to register, at: IGWC 2025 International Groundwater Conference
2024 – Training on PEST-facilitated calibration of SVSIM and C2VSimFG models for California Department of Water Resources staff in Sacramento, February 5-9, 2024
2022 – Invited talk (webinar) given to faculty and students at the University of Maryland Baltimore Campus’ Center for Urban Environmental Research and Education, Spring 2022 Seminar Series, May 6, 2022.
2021 – Invited talk given to faculty and students at Indian Institute of Technology, Madras (IIT Madras) India. November 6, 2021.
2020 – Invited talk (webinar) given to faculty and students in India. November 16, 2020.
2018 – Provided a groundwater demonstration with a water tank at Discovery Elementary School, Ashburn, Virginia, 2018.
2013 – Assisted Mr. Chris Neville in teaching a short course “Effective Solute Transport Simulation.” GeoMontreal, Montreal, Canada, September 2013.
2003 – 2008 – Assisted Dr. Sorab Panday in teaching MODHMS / MODFLOW-SURFACT courses to the following organizations: University of Washington; Federal Energy Regulatory Commission; Malcolm Pirnie; U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; Jacksonville District, Florida; Everglades National Park; National Parks Service, Florida; Florida International University (at HydroGeoLogic, Inc.).
2021 – United States of America, et al. vs. Gila Valley Irrigation District, et al. United States District Court for the District of Arizona. Case No. CV-31-0059-TUC-SHR. September 22.
2021 – Gila River Indian Community vs. Cranford et al. United States District Court for the District of Arizona. Case No. 4:19-cv-00407-SHR. September 24.