- Mihm, K., Soderberg, K., Nelson, M., Britt, S., 2014, Passive Grab Sampling for Dissolved Methane at Depth with the Sealed In-situ Snap Sampler Device, National Groundwater Association Summit, May 7, 2014.
- Bedekar, V., Clement, T.P., Vasconcelos, J., 2013, Stability and Accuracy of Implicit and Explicit Linear and Non-linear Schemes, MODFLOW and More 2013, June 2-5, Golden, Colorado.
- Bedekar, V., Morway, E., Tana, C., Langevin, C., Rooze, T., Tonkin, M., 2013, Enhancing MT3DMS for simulating solute transport in a coupled groundwater-surface water system, MODFLOW and More 2013, June 2-5, Golden, Colorado.
- Zhang, J., and C.J. Neville, 2013, Identification of topographically-controlled groundwater systems, International Symposium on Regional Groundwater Flow: Theory, Applications and Future Development, June 21 23, 2013, Xi’an, China, pp. 143 146.
- Bedekar, V., Tonkin, M., Karanovic, M., 2012, Challenges and Solutions to Numerical Modeling of Deep Basalt Aquifers for Groundwater Management, International Groundwater Conference (IGWC) 2012, December 18-21, Aurangabad, India.
- Cohen, H.A. 2012. Groundwater Contamination from Hydraulic Fracturing – How Will We Know? GSA Annual Meeting, November 4-7, 2012. v. 44, no. 7. Charlotte: Geological Society of America. p. 520.
- Soderberg, K., S. P. Good, L. Wang, and K. K. Caylor (2012), Soil water vapor isotopes as a tool for understanding ecohydrological processes. The 22nd V. M. Goldschmidt Conference, Montreal.
- Andrews, C. 2011. How Much Modeling is Enough? Maxwell, P., Hill, & Zheng. ed. MODFLOW and More 2011; Integrated Hydrologic Modeling, International Groundwater Modeling Center (IGWMC), Colorado School of Mines, 1.
- Andrews, C. 2011. Urban Recharge Myth: Case Study of Montgomery County, Maryland. 2011 Ground Water Summit and 2011 Ground Water Protection Council Spring Meeting. National Ground Water Association, Baltimore, MD, 1.
- Bakker, M., E. Anderson, M. Karanovic, M. Tonkin, and S. Kreamer. 2011. Transient Multi-Layer Modeling with TTim: No Grid or Time-Stepping Needed. Maxwell, P., Hill, & Zheng. ed. MODFLOW and More 2011; Integrated Hydrologic Modeling, International Groundwater Modeling Center (IGWMC), Colorado School of Mines, 3.Shannon, R., M. Karanovic, and M. Tonkin, 2010. Hydraulic Capture Estimated using Universal Kriging with Hydrologic Drift Terms. 19th Annual Maryland Groundwater Symposium, Baltimore, MD, 47.
- Barth, G. 2011. Estimating Uncertainty of Predicted Seven Rivers Augmentation-Field Drawdown, NGWA Ground Water Summit, May 1 – 5, 2011, Baltimore, MD
- Barth, G. 2011. Interpreting Synoptic Flow and Water-Quality Data: Developing Groundwater-Seepage or Concentration Bounds as Parameter Estimation Constraints, MODFLOW and More 2011: Integrated Hydrologic Modeling, 2011, Golden, Colorado.
- Barth, G., S.P. Larson, G. Lewis, and K. Green. 2011. Prediction Uncertainty of Drawdown in the Seven-Rivers Augmentation Well Field. National Groundwater Association Conference 2011. NGWA, Baltimore, MD. June 2011, 15.
- Bedekar, V., Panday, S., Tonkin, M., 2011, Approaches for Solving Unconfined Flow in MODFLOW, 2011 NGWA Ground Water Summit and 2011 Ground Water Protection Council Spring Meeting, Baltimore, MD, May 1-5
- Bedekar, V., Tonkin, M., 2011, The Dry Cell Problem: Simulation of Solute Transport with MT3DMS, MODFLOW and More 2011, June 5-8, Golden, Colorado.
- Bedekar, V., Tonkin, M., Spiliotopoulos, A., 2011, Implementation of a Contaminant Treatment System (CTS) module in MT3DMS, MODFLOW and More 2011, June 5-8, Golden, Colorado.
- Caylor, K. K., L. Wang, S. Good, and K. Soderberg (2011), Evapotranspiration dynamics in a semi-arid savanna using continuous water vapor isotopes from the eddy covariance flux tower at Mpala Research Centre, Kenya, 9th Annual Savanna Science Network Meeting, Skukuza, South Africa.
- Caylor, K. K., S. P. Good, K. Soderberg, E. King (2011), Isotope based landscape-scale transpiration measurements. AGU Fall Meeting. Abstract B23E-07.
- Cohen, H.A. and N. Love, 2011. Investigation of Vapor Intrusion from an Urban Gasoline Plume in Washington DC Reveals Anomalous Behavior of Tetrachloroethylene (PCE). Groundwater: Cities, Suburbs, and Growth Areas – Remedying the Past and Managing for the Future – National Groundwater Association Meeting, August 8-9, Los Angeles.
- Good, S. P., K. Soderberg, L. Wang, K. K. Caylor (2011), Uncertainty in measurements of dET. AGU Fall Meeting. Abstract B24B-02.
- Good, S.P., Soderberg, K., Kaiyu, G., King, E.G., Caylor, K.K (2011), Savanna grassland transpiration fluxes after water pulses assessed using stable isotope and eddy covariance techniques, Conference on the Roles of Stable Isotopes in Water Cycle Research. Keystone, CO.
- Huang, D., X. Wei, P. Khambhammettu, J. Kool, and M.-S. Tsou, 2011. A Methodology to Simulate Streamflow Losses and Groundwater – Surface-water interactions due to Karst Sink Holes. Presentation at MODFLOW and More 2011: Integrated Hydrologic Modeling, International Ground Water Modeling Center, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO, June 5-8, 2011, pp. 120-124.
- Hunt, R., J. Doherty, M. Tonkin, D. Welter, W. Schreuder, and C. Muffels, 2011. Overview of PEST++: A New Branch of PEST for the 21st Century. Presentation at MODFLOW and More 2011, Integrated Hydrologic Modeling, International Ground Water Modeling Center, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO, June 6-8, 2011.
- Karanovic, M. and R Shannon, 2011. Characterizing Groundwater Elevation and Gradient at Remediation Sites Using KT3D_H20, A Program for Gridding Water Level Data Using Hydrologic Drift Terms (Instructional Workshop). 2011 North American Field Conference and Exposition, San Diego, CA. January.
- Khambhammettu, P., C.J. Neville, and M.J. Tonkin, 2011, Analysis of the Migration of Bio-Amended Water through the Vadose Zone for In-Situ Remediation of Hexavalent Chromium, MODFLOW and MORE 2011, June 7, 2011, Colorado School of Mines Golden, Golden, Colorado, 8 p.
- Khambhammettu, P., M.J. Tonkin, and A. Spiliotopoulos, 2011. FIELDGEN_D – A Modified 2D Field Generator for Deterministic and Stochastic Groundwater Modeling. MODFLOW and More 2011, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado.
- Mihm, K. and O. Sivaslian, 2011. Case Study of a Long-Term Aquifer Test in Support of Municipal Well Field Expansion in the Maryland Piedmont. Presentation at the National Groundwater Association Groundwater Summit, Baltimore, MD, May 2011.
- Muffels, C., G. Stonebridge, M. Tonkin, and M. Karanovic, 2011. An Unstructured Version of PATH3D, PATH3DU. Presentation at MODFLOW and More 2011, Integrated Hydrologic Modeling, International Ground Water Modeling Center, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO, June 6-8, 2011, v. 1, pp. 272-275.
- Muffels, C., M. Karanovic, J. Ehrman, J. Sletteback, B. Palfi, and M. Tonkin, 2011. BioscreenAT: There’s an App for That. Presentation at MODFLOW and More 2011, Integrated Hydrologic Modeling, International Ground Water Modeling Center, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO, June 6-8, 2011.
- Muffels, C., W. Schreuder, J. Doherty, M. Karanovic, M. Tonkin, R. Hunt, and D. Welter, 2011. GENIE – A Model Independent TCP/IP Run Manager. Presentation at MODFLOW and More 2011, Integrated Hydrologic Modeling, International Ground Water Modeling Center, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO, June 6-8, 2011, v. 1, pp. 792-795.
- Munn, J., B. Parker, J. Kennel, and S. Chapman, 2011. Three-Dimensional Characterization of the Fracture Network in the Guelph Dolostone Aquifer for Understanding Contaminant Behaviour (abstract). in Book of Abstracts of the 46th Central Canadian Symposium on Water Quality Research, , Burlington, Ontario, February 22-23, 2011, p. 48.
- Porcello, J., K. Lindsey, M. Tonkin, and M. Karanovic. 2011. Numerical Modeling for Resource Characterization Deep Basalt Aquifers: Columbia BasGround Water Management Area (GWMA), Washington. Maxwell, P., Hill, & Zheng. ed. MODFLOW and More 2011; Integrated Hydrologic Modeling, International Groundwater Modeling Center (IGWMC), Colorado School of Mines, 5.
- Schreuder, W., C. Muffels, M. Tonkin, J. Doherty, R. Hunt, and D. Welter, 2011. Efficient Use of Parallel Resources using PEST. Presentation at MODFLOW and More 2011, Integrated Hydrologic Modeling, International Ground Water Modeling Center, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO, June 6-8, 2011, v. 1, pp. 787-791.
- Shannon, R., A. Spiliotopoulos, and M.J. Tonkin. 2011. Estimating Contaminant Migration Pathways Using a Time Sequence of Water Level Maps and Particle Tracking. 2011 Ground Water Summit and 2011 Ground Water Protection Council Spring Meeting. National Ground Water Association, Baltimore, MD, 1.
- Smoot, J.L., F.H. Biebesheimer, J.A. Eluskie, T. Simpkin, M.J. Tonkin, A. Spiliotopoulos, 2011. Groundwater Remediation at the 100-HR-3 Operable Unit, Hanford Site, Washington. Waste Management Conference, February 27 - March 3, 2011, Phoenix, Arizona.
- Soderberg, K., J. Henschel, S. A. Macko (2011), Using stable isotopes to understand survival strategies of the living fossil, Welwitschia mirabilis. AGU Fall Meeting. Abstract V13A-2579.
- Spiliotopoulos, A., R. Shannon, M.J. Tonkin, and L.C. Swanson, 2011. Evaluation of Temporal Variations in Hydraulic Capture due to Changing Flow Patterns Using Mapping and Modeling Techniques. SGW-49374-FP (Rev. 0). Prepared for the US Department of Energy (USDOE), Richland, Washington, April.
- Spiliotopoulos, A., R. Shannon, M.J. Tonkin, Estimating Contaminant Migration Pathways Using a Time Sequence of Water Level Maps and Particle Tracking. 2011 National Ground Water Association (NGWA) Ground Water Summit, Baltimore, Maryland. May.
- Tonkin, M., M. Karanovic, C. Muffels, J. Porcello, K. Lindsey, and T. Tolan. 2011. Simulating the Complex Regional Hydrostratigraphy of The Columbia BasGroundwater Management Area (GWMA). Maxwell, P., Hill, & Zheng. ed. MODFLOW and More 2011; Integrated Hydrologic Modeling, International Groundwater Modeling Center (IGWMC), Colorado School of Mines, 1.
- Tonkin, M., M. Karanovic, C. Muffels, J. Porcello, K. Lindsey, T. Tolan, 2011. Translating Complex Regional Hydrostratigraphy into MODFLOW: The Columbia Basin Groundwater Management Area (GWMA). Presentation at the 2011 National Groundwater Association Ground Water Summit and 2011 Ground Water Protection Council, Baltimore, MD, May 1-5, 2011.
- Tonkin, M.J., M. Karanovic, C. Muffels, J.J. Porcello, K.A. Lindsey, and T.L. Tolan. 2011. Translating Complex Regional Hydrostratigraphy to MODFLOW: The Columbia BasGroundwater Management Area (GWMA). 2011 Ground Water Summit and 2011 Ground Water Protection Council Spring Meeting. National Ground Water Association, Baltimore, MD, 1.
- Vlassopoulos, D., J. Goin, B. Bessinger, C. Kiehl-Simpson, and E. Glaza, 2011. Evaluation of pH-Buffering Amendments for In Situ Capping of Hyperalkaline Contaminated Sediments. Presentation at 6th International Conference on Remediation of Contaminated Sediments. New Orleans, LA, February 7-10, 2011.
- Welter, D., J. Doherty, C. Muffels, M. Tonkin, R. Hunt, W. Schreuder, and M. Karanovic, 2011. Lowering the Barriers of Entry to Inverse Modeling: PEST++. Presentation at MODFLOW and More 2011, Integrated Hydrologic Modeling, International Ground Water Modeling Center, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO, June 6-8, 2011, v. 1, pp. 782-786.
- Barth, G. 2010. Chloride-Migration Prediction Uncertainty in the Vicinity of Poplar, Montana, 2010 NGWA Ground Water Summit, April 11 – 15, 2010, Denver, Colorado.
- Bedekar, V., Neville, C. J., Tonkin, M. J. Analysis of Contaminant Transport through the Vadose and Saturated Zones for Source Screening. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2010, abstract #H53C-1059.
- Belan, K., B. Parker, and J. Kennel, 2010. FLUTe Flexible Liner Applications for Investigation of a Large-Diameter Municipal Well in Fractured Dolostone. Poster presentation at the 2010 North American Environmental Field Conference & Exposition, Tampa, FL, January 12-15, 2010.
- Cohen, H.A. and M. Karanovic, 2010. The Cameron Run Flood of June 25, 2006 – Hydrologic Response to Sediment Aggradation in a Flashy Urban Stream, northern Virginia. GSA Denver Annual Meeting, October 31 – November 3, 2010. Vol. 42, No. 5, p. 327. Denver: Geological Society of America. v. 18.
- Cohen, H.A. and M. Rafferty, 2010, The Former Richards-Gebaur Air Force Base, Kansas City – Strategies and Practice for Risk-Based Corrective Action (RBCA) and Closure of Contaminated Sites. Air Force Restoration and Technology Transfer Workshop, April 6-9, 2010, San Antonio, TX.
- Cohen, H.A., J. Choi, J. Hau, and J. Pippin, 2010.Geological Control of Baseflow in the Deer Creek Watershed, Lower Susquehanna River Basin, Pennsylvania and Maryland. Northeastern Section (45th Annual) and Southeastern Section (59th Annual) Joint Meeting (13-16 March 2010), Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 42, no. 1, p. 107.
- Guvanasen, V., V. Bedekar, D., Shinde, and R. Price, 2010. Development of a Flow and Transport Model in a highly Interactive Surface Water Groundwater System Near the Everglades National Park. Submitted to 7th Annual International Symposium on Managed Aquifer Recharge Abu Dhabi, October 9-13, 2010
- Hathaway, D. L., G. Barth, and S. Makepeace, 2010. Groundwater Resources in the Jocko Basin, Flathead Indian Reservation, Montana. Presentation to the National Groundwater Association Summit 2010.
- Jones, E. and G. Barth, 2010. Sensitivity of Surface-Water/Groundwater Interaction Models to Land Surface Elevation Data in Riparian Areas. Presentation at the National Ground Water Association (NGWA) Ground Water Summit, Denver, CO, April, 2010.
- Karanovic, M., M. Tonkin, and C. Muffels, 2010. KT3D_H20: MapWindow Plug-In For Water Level Kriging and Particle Tracking. Presentation at the 1st International MapWindow conference, Orlando, FL, March 31- April 02, 2010.
- Khambhammettu, P., Tsou, M-S., Panday, S.M., Kool, J., and Wei, X. 2010. Generation of Accurate Lateral Boundary Conditions for a Surface-Water Groundwater Interaction Model. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting. Abstract H21B-1025.
- Llewellyn, D., G. Barth, D. Hathaway, and E. Jones, 2010. Application of Shallow, Riparian Groundwater Models to Evaluate Maintenance and Alignment Alternatives for the Rio Grande Channel, Central New Mexico. Presentation at the NGWA Ground Water Summit, Denver, CO, April 2010.
- Shannon, R., M. Karanovic, and M. Tonkin. 2010. Hydraulic Capture Estimated using Universal Kriging with Hydrologic Drift Terms. 19th Annual Maryland Groundwater Symposium, Baltimore, MD, 47.
- Sorel, D., M. Tonkin, G. Barth, D. Cornacchiulo, J. Lawrence, D. Trego, and J.Hass., 2010. Natural Gradient Tracer Test to Support Analysis of a Detached MtBE Plume. Poster presented at the Groupe de Recherche Interuniversitaire sur les Eaux Souterraines “Colloque Les eaux souterraines du Québec”, Chicoutimi, Québec, October 14, 2010.
- Spiliotopoulos, A., M.J. Tonkin, D. Shrimpton, J. Blount, T. Simpkin, and J. Hanson, 2010. Groundwater Modeling in Support of Remedial Process Optimization: Implementing a Developing Conceptual Site Model into Comparative Remedy Analyses. Waste Management Conference, March 7-11, 2010, Phoenix, Arizona.
- Tonkin, M.J. (Editor), 2010. PEST Conference – Proceedings. Potomac, MD, November, 2009. Available at www.LULU.com .
- Vlassopoulos, D., B. Bessinger, and P. O’Day, 2010. Aqueous Solubility of As2S3 and Thermodynamic Stability of Thioarsenites. in Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Symposium on Water Rock Interaction. Guanajuato, Mexico, August 16-20, 2010.
- Barth, G. 2009. Transparency in Modeling: Mylar Overlays Might Be Out of Fashion, But We Still Need to Shed Light on the System. National Groundwater Association's Annual Groundwater Summit, Tucson, Arizona April 19 - 23, 2009. Tucson. April 19 - 23.
- Barth, G., and C. Andrews. 2009. Practical Problems, Practical Solutions. National Groundwater Association's Annual Groundwater Summit, Tucson, Arizona April 19 - 23, 2009. Tucson. April 19 - 23.
- Belan, K., B. Parker,P. Pehme, and J. Kennel, 2009. Flexible Liner Methods for Characterization of Flow and Permeability in Contaminated Bedrock Water Supply Well. Presentation at Groundwater Monitoring: Design, Analysis, Communication & Integration with Decision Making Conference, Orange, CA, February 25-26, 2009.
- Bessinger, B., D. Vlassopoulos, S. Serrano, and P. O'Day, 2009. Reactive Transport Modeling of Arsenic and Mercury in a Chemically Amended Sediment Cap. in Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Remediation of Contaminated Sediments. Jacksonville, FL, February 2-5, 2009.
- Brown, N., B. Louie, F. Guerrero, T. Foreman, S. Panday, V. Bedekar, and J. Kaur. 2009. Managing Salinity in the Upper Santa Clara River System of California. Presented at the Proceedings of the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2009: Great Rivers, May 17-21, Kansas City, Missouri.
- Hathaway, D. L., N. Shafike, and K. MacClune, 2009. Enhanced Groundwater Modeling Methods for Analyses in Ecohydrology. Presentation at the Joint International Convention of the IAHS Scientific Assembly and IAH Congress, Hyderabad, India, September 6-12 2009. in IAHS Publication 328, “Ecohydrology of Surface and Groundwater Dependent Systems: Concepts, Methods and Recent Developments.”
- Hathaway, D., K. MacClune, N. Shafike; and E. Jones, 2009. Quantifying Groundwater/Surface-Water Interactions along the Rio Grande to Assess the Sustainability of Desired Flows for River Management and Restoration. Presentation at the NGWA Groundwater Summit, Tucson, AZ, April 2009.
- Hathaway, D., P. Barroll, G. Barth, and K. MacClune, 2009. Identifying the Canary in the Lower Rio Grande Basin: Hydrologic Signals to Support Groundwater Management in a Transboundary Stream-Aquifer System. Presentation at the National Groundwater Association's Annual Groundwater Summit, Tucson, AZ, April 19 - 23, 2009.
- Johnson, T., C. Andrews, and M. Hennessey. 2009. Development of Chloride Profiles to Estimate Groundwater Discharge for Cap Design in Onondaga Lake. Fifth International Conference on Remediation of Contaminated Sediments, Jacksonville, Florida, February 2-5, 2009.
- Kennel, J., B. Parker, J. Cherry, P. Pehme, F. Brunton, and J. Piersol, 2009. Hydraulic Conductivity and Flow Comparisons Based on Borehole, Measurements Using Flexible Liners in a Water Supply Dolostone Aquifer – Groundwater Resources Association of California Presentation at Groundwater Monitoring: Design, Analysis, Communication & Integration with Decision Making Conference, Orange, CA, February 25-26, 2009.
- Khambhammettu, P., J. Kool, M.-S. Tsou, P. Huyakorn, V. Guvanasen, and M. Beach, 2009. Modeling the Integrated Surface-Water Groundwater Interactions in West-Central Florida, USA. Presentation at the International Symposium on Efficient Groundwater Resources Management: The Challenge of Quality and Quantity for Sustainable Future, Bangkok, Thailand, February 16-21, 2009, p. 768.
- Llewellyn, D., G. Barth, D. Hathaway, and E. Jones. 2009. Application of Shallow, Riparian Groundwater Models to Evaluate Maintenance and Alignment Alternatives for the Rio Grande Channel, Central New Mexico. NGWA Groundwater Summit, Denver, CO, Abstract.
- Macko, S. A., K. Soderberg, J. Henschel, K. Billmark, and R. J. Swap (2009), Linking fog water use by plants in the coastal Namib Desert to carbon and nitrogen cycles along aridity gradients. Eos Trans. 90, No. 52. Fall Meeting Supplement. Abstract B51A-0291.
- Neville, C.J. 2009, Contaminant Isolation by Cutoff Walls: Reconsideration of Mass Fluxes, GeoHalifax 2009 - 62nd Canadian Geotechnical Conference & 10th Joint CGS/IAH-CNC Groundwater Conference, September 20 24, 2009. Halifax, Canada, 7 p.
- Neville, C.J. and G. van der Kamp. 2009, A General Method for Using Recovery Data for Pumping Tests in Complex Hydrogeological Settings, GeoHalifax 2009 - 62nd Canadian Geotechnical Conference & 10th Joint CGS/IAH-CNC Groundwater Conference, September 20 24, 2009. Halifax, Canada, 7 p..
- Soderberg, K., R. J. Swap, and S. A. Macko (2009), Fog-aerosol interactions in the coastal Namib Desert. Eos Trans. 90, No. 52. Fall Meeting Supplement. Abstract A51D-0138.
- Sorel, D. M. Tonkin, D. Wilson, D. Dougherty,2009. Semi-Automated Ensemble Analysis Methods to Evaluate Performance of Pump-and-Treat Systems. Presentation at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2009.
- Tonkin, M., S. Dadi, and R. Shannon, 2009. Collection and Mapping of Water Levels to Assist in the Evaluation of Groundwater Pump-and-Treat Remedy Performance. SGW-42305 (Rev. 0). Prepared for the US Department of Energy, Richland, WA, September 2009.
- Weaver, J., J. Zhang, M. Tonkin, and R.J. Charbeneau, 2009. Modeling the Transport of Ethanol Fuel Blends with the Combined HSSM and MT3D Models. Presentation at the 21st Annual National Tanks Conference and Expo, Sacramento, CA, March 30 - April 01, 2009.
- Andrews, Charles. 2008. One Hydrogeology A New Paradigm for Model Construction: Modeling with Google Earth. MODFLOW and More 2008: Ground Water and Public Policy Conference, May 18-21, 2008, Golden, Colorado.
- Barth, G. and H. Rajaram. 2008. Parameter Estimation Precursor: Simple Tools for a Better Tracer-Test and Observations,. MODFLOW and More 2008: Ground Water and Public Policy, International Ground Water Modeling Center, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado, May 18-21, 2008. 445-449.
- Barth, G. R., P. Barroll, D. Hathaway, T. Maddock IIII, N. Shafike, J. P. King, J. Shomaker, P. King, and B. Liu.. 2008. Building a New Groundwater Flow Model for the Rincon and Mesilla Bolsons,. MODFLOW and More 2008: Ground Water and Public Policy, International Ground Water Modeling Center, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado, May 18-21, 2008. 252-256.
- Barth, G., P. Barroll, D. Hathaway, T. Maddock IIII, N. Shafike, J.P. King, J. Shomaker, and B. Liu, 2008. Building a New Groundwater Flow Model for the Rincon and Mesilla Bolsons. Presentation at MODFLOW and More 2008: Ground Water and Public Policy, International Ground Water Modeling Center, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO, May 18-21, 2008, pp. 252-256.
- Binard, K., K. Chiang, M. Rafferty, P. Greer, and J. Semion, 2008. Vegetation Coverage in Cooley Landing Salt Pond Restoration Area. Presentation at the 2006 South Bay Science Symposium for the South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project, San Jose State University, San Jose, CA, June 6, 2006. [Edited and Compiled November 12, 2008. L. Trulio, editor].
- Hathaway, D., G. Barth, and K. MacClune, 2008. High Resolution Groundwater Models of the San Joaquin River Riparian Zone for Evaluation of Surface Water/Groundwater Interactions under Alternate River Flow Regimes. Presentation at the California Central Valley Groundwater Modeling Workshop of the California Water and Environment Modeling Forum, Berkeley, CA, July 10-11, 2008.
- Kennel, J., B. Parker, and J. Cherry, 2008. Use of Geophysical Logs to Better Interpret Rock Core Contaminant Profiles. Presentation at the University Consortium for Field-Focused Groundwater Contamination Research Annual Meeting. Orangeville, Ontario, May 6-8, 2008.
- Khambhammettu, P., J. Kool, M.-S. Tsou, S. Panday, and M. Beach, 2008. Modeling the Surface-Water Groundwater Interactions in the Peace River Basin, Florida Using MODHMS. Presentation at MODFLOW and More 2008: Ground Water and Public Policy, International Ground Water Modeling Center, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO, May 18-21, 2008, pp. 415-519.
- Mihm, K., 2008. Naturally-Occurring Radionuclides and the Radionuclide Rule -- What You Measure May Not Be What You Want: A Case Study for Poolesville, Maryland. Presentation at the Maryland Groundwater Symposium, Baltimore, MD, September 25, 2008.
- Neville, C., and J. Zhang, 2008. Benchmark Analyses of Solute Transport with Multi-Aquifer Wells. Presentation at MODFLOW and More 2008, Ground Water and Public Policy, International Ground Water Modeling Center, Colorado School of Mines Golden, Colorado, May 18-21, 2008, p. 183.
- Panday, S., T. Foreman, V. Bedekar, N. Brown, P. Sampath, and J. Kaur. 2008. Water Supply Systems in Groundwater/Surface-Water Models. Presented at the 2008 Computational Methods in Water Resources International Conference, San Francisco, California, July 6-10, 2008.
- Soderberg, K., J. Henschel, and S. A. Macko (2008), Aridity and Fog Deposition as Controls on C3/CAM Photosynthesis and N-cycling in Welwitschia mirabilis. Eos Trans. 89, No. 53. Fall Meeting Supplement. Abstract B23C-0439.
- Soderberg, K., J. Henschel, and S. A. Macko (2008), Water relations of a Welwitschia mirabilis community threatened by mining in the Namib-Naukluft National Park, Namibia. Society for Conservation Biology 22nd Annual Meeting, Chattanooga, TN.
- Spiliotopoulos, A., K. Krajenke, K. Salafrio, and J. Haas. 2008. Rapid Mapping to Support Accelerated Site Assessments. NGWA Conference on Eastern Regional Ground Water Issues, Ronkonkoma, New York.
- Spiliotopoulos, A., K. Krajenke, N. Hart, J. Haas, D. Cornacchiulo, D. Trego, and M. Tonkin. 2008. Robust Pump-and-Treat Remedy Evaluation for an MTBE Mega-Plume. NGWA Conference on Eastern Regional Ground Water Issues, Ronkonkoma, New York.
- Spiliotopoulos, A., M. Karanovic, S.P. Larson, 2008. Development of Transient Flow Models for the Solomon River Basin, MODFLOW and More 2008, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado.
- Wilson, D.H., H. Cohen, M. Tonkin, and D. Dougherty, 2008, Superfund Remedies - Evaluating Vital Signs with U.S. EPA's Region 5 Groundwater Evaluation and Optimization System (GEOS). AFCEE Technology Transfer Conference, San Antonio, Texas, March 11-14, 2008.
- Barth, G. R., and C. Schott. 2007. Assessing Mountain Pine Beetle Infestation: Anticipated Hydrologic Impacts and Suggestions for Minimizing Watershed Impacts, Sustaining Colorado Watersheds, Breckenridge, Colorado, October 2nd – 4th.
- Barth, G., C. Schott, K. MacClune, D. Hathaway, and F. Grigsby, 2007. Assessing Mountain Pine Beetle Infestation, Anticipated Hydrologic Impacts and Suggestions for Minimizing Watershed Impacts, Sustaining Colorado Watersheds. Presentation at Sustaining Colorado Watersheds, Breckenridge, CO, October 2-4, 2007.
- Barth, G., K. MacClune, D. Hathaway, and F. Grigsby, 2007. Making the Most of a Simple Model: Using Extensive Data Sets and Parameter Estimation to Get Basin-Scale Insight on Outcrop Recharge. Presentation at the NGWA Groundwater Summit, Albuquerque, NM, April 30-May 2, 2007.
- Barth, G.R., C. Schott, K. MacClune, D. Hathaway, and F.B. Grigsby. 2007. Assessing Mountain Pine Beetle Infestation: Anticipated Hydrologic Impacts and Suggestions for Minimizing Watershed Impacts, Sustaining Colorado Watersheds. Sustaining Colorado Watersheds, Breckenridge, Colorado, October 2-4.
- Cohen, H.A., M. Tonkin, D. Wilson, and D. Dougherty, 2007, A Systematic Data-Driven Approach to Evaluating Hydraulic Capture at Superfund Sites in USEPA Region 5. GSA Denver Annual Meeting, October 28-31, 2007. v. 39, no. 6. Denver: Geological Society of America.
- Hathaway, D., A. Hui, et al. 2007. The Malingua Pamba Water Project: Improving the Reliability of Water Delivery to a Rural Village in the Ecuadorian Andes (Abstract). in Proceedings of the American Water Resources Association's 2007 Annual Water Resource Conference, Albuquerque, NM, November 2007.
- Hathaway, D.L., 2007. Cessation of Transboundary Seepage from the All-American Canal: Consideration of Impacts to the Mexicali Aquifer Given Changing Watershed Conditions. Presentation at the National Groundwater Association Groundwater Summit, Albuquerque, NM, April 30-May 2, 2007.
- Kennel, J., B. Parker, and J. Cherry, 2007. Origin, Nature, and Fate of TCE at an Industrial Site in Fractured Dolostone, Guelph, Ontario. Presentation at the University Consortium for Field-Focused Groundwater Contamination Research Annual Meeting, Orangeville, Ontario, April 17-19, 2007.
- Kennel, J.,B. Parker,and T. Górecki, 2007. An Advanced Method for Rock Core Voc Contaminant Analysis. Presentation at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/National Ground Water Association Fractured Rock Conference, Portland, ME, September 24-26, 2007.
- Kennel, J.R, 2006 and 2007. Fractured Rock Corehole Investigations. Lecture for Field Methods in Hydrogeology, University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.
- Larson, S.P., 2007. The Use of Complex Computer Modeling of Groundwater Systems. Presentation at the 53rd Annual Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Institute, Vancouver, British Columbia, July 19-21, 2007. 21.
- Muffels, C., R. Hunt, J. Doherty, and M. Anderson, 2007. Regularized Inversion of a Groundwater Flow Model of the Trout Lake Basin. Presentation at the 2007 American Water Resources Association Wisconsin Section Meeting, Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin, March 1-2, 2007.
- Papadopulos, S.S., and S.P. Larson, 2007. The Drawdown Distribution in and Around a Well Pumping from a Two-Region Aquifer. Presentation at the 119th Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America, Denver, CO, October 27-31, 2007. in Abstracts and Programs, v. 39, no. 6. Washington, DC: American Geophysical Union. 189.
- Spiliotopoulos, A., and C.B. Andrews. 2007. Analysis of Aquifer Test Data – MODFLOW and PEST. In Groundwater and Wells. (3rd ed.). Sterrett, R.J., editor. New Brighton, MN: Johnson Screens. 812p. (also presented at MODFLOW and More 2006, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado).
- Tonkin, M., and J. Doherty, 2007. An Efficient Calibration-Constrained Monte Carlo Technique for Evaluating Model Predictive Uncertainty. in Proceedings of an International Conference on Calibration and Reliability in Groundwater Modeling: Credibility of Modeling (ModelCARE2007), Copenhagen, Denmark, September 2007: IAHS Publication 320.
- Tonkin, M., C. Arola, and D. Miller, 2007. Decision-Level Modeling within a Feasibility-Study Process: An Application at the Hanford Site. Presentation at the Association of Engineering and Environmental Geologists 50th Anniversary, Los Angeles, CA, September 26-28, 2007.
- Barth, G. 2006. Adjusting Canal Conductance to Represent Drought Effects in a Regional Groundwater Simulation. MODFLOW and More 2006, Managing Ground-Water Systems, International Ground Water Modeling Center, Colorado School of Mines Golden, Colorado, May 22-24, 2006. Vol. 2. 552-556.
- Barth, G. 2006. An Innovative Use of Observations to Alleviate Weighted-Residual Asymmetry. MODFLOW and More 2006, Managing Ground-Water Systems, International Ground Water Modeling Center, Colorado School of Mines Golden, Colorado, May 22-24, 2006. Vol. 1. 305-309.
- Barth, G., K. MacClune, N. Shafike, and D.L. Hathaway. 2006. Beyond Simulated Versus Observed: Gaining Insight to Shallow Ground Water - Surface Water Exchange Using Visualization and Sensitivity Analysis. MODFLOW and More 2006, Managing Ground-Water Systems, International Ground Water Modeling Center, Colorado School of Mines Golden, Colorado, May 22-24, 2006. Vol. 1. 84-88.
- Hathaway, D., G. Barth, F.B. Grigsby, and K.L. MacClune. 2006. MODFLOW….NOT: A Simple But Effective Solution to a Regulatory Question. MODFLOW and More 2006, Managing Ground-Water Systems, International Ground Water Modeling Center, Colorado School of Mines Golden, Colorado, May 22-24, 2006. Vol. 1. 137-141.
- Larson, S.P. 2006. Simplicity in Modeling – Use of Analytical Models with PEST. MODFLOW and More 2006, Managing Ground-Water Systems, International Ground Water Modeling Center, Colorado School of Mines Golden, Colorado, May 22-24, 2006. Vol. 2. 579-583.
- MacClune, K.L., G. Barth, N. Shafike, and D. Hathaway. 2006. High-Resolution Groundwater Models for the Assessment of Riparian Restoration Options and River Conveyance Efficiency. MODFLOW and More 2006, Managing Ground-Water Systems, International Ground Water Modeling Center, Colorado School of Mines Golden, Colorado, May 22-24, 2006. Vol. 1. 159-163.
- Muffels, C., M. Tonkin, H. Zhang, M. Anderson, and T. Clemo. 2006. Application of LSQR to Calibration of a MODFLOW Model: A Synthetic Study. MODFLOW and More 2006, Managing Ground-Water Systems, International Ground Water Modeling Center, Colorado School of Mines Golden, Colorado, May 22-24, 2006. Vol. 1. 283-287.
- Neville, C.J. 2006. Rehabilitation of the Specified-Concentration Boundary Condition for Solute Transport. MODFLOW and More 2006, Managing Ground-Water Systems, International Ground Water Modeling Center, Colorado School of Mines Golden, Colorado, May 22-24, 2006. Vol. 2. 667.
- Spiliotopoulos, A.A., and C.B. Andrews. 2006. Analysis of Aquifer Test Data – MODFLOW and PEST. MODFLOW and More 2006, Managing Ground-Water Systems, International Ground Water Modeling Center, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado, May 22-24, 2006. Vol. 2. 569-573.
- Tonkin, M., M. Karanovic, A. Hughes, and C. Jackson. 2006. New and Contrasting Approaches to Local Grid Refinement. MODFLOW and More 2006, Managing Ground-Water Systems, International Ground Water Modeling Center, Colorado School of Mines Golden, Colorado, May 22-24, 2006. Vol. 2. 601-605.
- Vlassopoulos, D., D. Sorel, T. Luong, M. Karanovic, M. Tonkin, K. Chiang, M. Rafferty, and M. Riley. 2006. Assessment of Potential Perchlorate Impacts from Use of Safety Flares Along California Roadways. Presented at the Groundwater Resources Association (GRA) 16th Symposium in the Contaminants in Groundwater Series--Perchlorate 2006: Progress Toward Understanding and Cleanup, January 26, 2006, Santa Clara, California.
- Tonkin, M., J. Weaver, C. Zheng, C. Muffels, and J. Rumbaugh. 2005. Coupled Free and Dissolved Phase Transport: New Simulation Capabilities and Parameter Inversion. Proceedings of the 2005 National Ground Water Association (NGWA) Conference on MTBE and Perchlorate, Assessment, Remediation, and Public Policy, May 26-27, 2005, San Francisco, California.
- Muffels, C., M.J. Tonkin, J. Haas, and D. Trego. 2005. Predictive and Post-Audit Mass Flux Estimates. Proceedings of the 2005 National Ground Water Association (NGWA) Ground Water Summit, April 17-20, 2005, San Antonio, Texas.
- Soderberg, K., R. Hennet, and C. Muffels. 2005. Uncertainty and Trend Analysis for Radium in Groundwater and Drinking Water. Abstract Book, 2005 NGWA Naturally Occurring Contaminants Conference: Arsenic, Radium, Radon, and Uranium, February 24-25, 2005, Charleston, South Carolina. 30-44
- Neville C.J 2003. Contributions of Edward A. Sudicky in Analytical Solutions in Fractured-Porous Media. Presented at The Geological Society of America 2003 Seattle Annual Meeting, November 2-5, 2003, Seattle, Washington. (Presenter) Oral Presentation Session 250-1. November 5.
- Tsou, M.S., K. Tu, J. Kool, C.J. Neville, and S.C. Young. 2003. Comparison of Three Numerical Models for Chain-Decay Transport Simulation at a Closed AFB in Texas. MODFLOW and More 2003: Understanding through Modeling, International Groundwater Modeling Center (IGWMC), Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado, September 16-19, 2003. In MODFLOW and More 2003: Understanding through Modeling, Proceedings.
- Grigsby, F.B., S.R. Lindblom, L. Wilcox, R.S. Bowman, and P. Pegram. 2003. Responses of Shallow Groundwater to Changes in River Stage in the Middle Rio Grande Valley, New Mexico. Presented at 2003 American Water Resources Association Annual Conference, November 3-6, 2003, San Diego, CA. November 5.
- MacClune, K., and D.L. Hathaway. 2003. Application of Paleo-Climate Data to Water Planning and Management. Presented at 2003 American Water Resources Association Annual Conference, November 3-6, 2003, San Diego, CA. November 6.
- Hathaway, D.L., K. MacClune, and K. Flanigan. 2003. Multi-Region Water Supply Alternatives Analysis in a Probabilistic Framework. Presented at 2003 American Water Resources Association Annual Conference, November 3-6, 2003, San Diego, CA. November 5.
- Hathaway, D.L. 2003. Transient Groundwater Riparian Conditions and Sensitivity to Changes in Hydrology, Geomorphology, and Vegetation. Presented at 2003 American Water Resources Association Annual Conference, November 3-6, 2003, San Diego, CA.
- Tonkin, M.J., T. Clemo, and J.E. Doherty. 2003. Computationally Efficient Regularized Inversion for Highly Parameterized MODFLOW Models. MODFLOW and More 2003: Understanding through Modeling, International Groundwater Modeling Center (IGWMC), Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado, September 16-19, 2003. In MODFLOW and More 2003: Understanding through Modeling, Proceedings. 595-599.
- Vlassopoulos, D., J. Pochatila, A. Lundquist, C.B. Andrews, M.T. Rafferty, K. Chiang, D. Sorel and N. Nikolaidis. 2002. An Elemental Iron Reactor for Arsenic Removal from Groundwater. InProceedings of the Third International Conference on Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds, May 20-23, 2002, Monterey, California. Gavaskar, A.R., and A.S.C. Chen, editors, Battelle Press.
- Barth, G. R., M. C. Hill, T. H. Illangasekare, M. C. Hill and H. Rajaram. 2002. Is it More Important to Characterize Heterogeneity or Differences in Hydraulic Conductivity Measurements?, Bridging the Gap Between Measurement and Modeling. Proceedings, Groundwater 2002 IAHR (International Association of Hydraulic Engineering and Research) Conference, Berkeley, California, March, 2002.
- Barth, G. R., T. H. Illangasekare, M. C. Hill and H. Rajaram. 2002. Creating and Explicitly Characterizing Heterogeneity and NAPL Macro-Scale Entrapment at the Intermediate Scale, Bridging the Gap Between Measurement and Modeling. Proceedings, Groundwater 2002 IAHR (International Association of Hydraulic Engineering and Research) Conference, Berkeley, California, March, 2002.
- Hathaway, D.L. 2002. Myths of Sustainable Water Management: A Hydrologist's Perspective (abstract). Conference Proceedings from Allocating and Managing Water for a Sustainable Water Future: Lessons from Around the World, June 11-14, Boulder, Colorado. Natural Resources Law Center, University of Colorado Law School.
- Hathaway, D.L., and K. Flanigan. 2002. Legal and Physical Constraints on the Conjunctive Use Water Supply of the Middle Rio Grande Region. American Water Resource Association Conference on Surface Water – Groundwater Interactions, July 2002.
- Blum, V.B., D.L. Hathaway, and K. White. 2002. Modeling Flow at the Stream-Aquifer Interface: A Review of this Feature in Tools of the Trade. American Water Resource Association Conference on Surface Water – Groundwater Interactions, July 2002.
- Lewis, K., D.L. Hathaway, and N. Shafike. 2002. Evapotranspiration-Driven Diurnal Fluctuations in Groundwater Levels at San Marcial, New Mexico. American Water Resource Association Conference on Surface Water – Groundwater Interactions, July 2002.
- Blum, V.S., S. Israel, and S.P. Larson. 2001. Adapting MODFLOW to Simulate Water Movement in the Unsaturated Zone. MODFLOW 2001 and Other Modeling Odysseys, International Groundwater Modeling Center (IGWMC), Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado, September 11-14, 2001. In MODFLOW 2001 and Other Modeling Odysseys, Proceedings. 60-65.
- Ma, T.S., D.L. Hathaway, and A. Hobson. 2001. MODFLOW Simulation of Transient Surface Water/Groundwater Interactions in a Shallow Riparian Zone Using HEC-2-Based Water Surface Profiles. MODFLOW 2001 and Other Modeling Odysseys, International Groundwater Modeling Center (IGWMC), Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado, September 11-14, 2001. In MODFLOW 2001 and Other Modeling Odysseys, Proceedings. 425-431.
- Prommer, H., D. Barry, W. Chiang, and C. Zheng. 2001. PHT3D- A MODFLOW/MT3DMS-Based Reactive Multi-Component Transport Model. MODFLOW 2001 and Other Modeling Odysseys, International Groundwater Modeling Center (IGWMC), Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado, September 11-14, 2001. In MODFLOW 2001 and Other Modeling Odysseys, Proceedings. 51-59.
- Neville, C.J., and M.J. Tonkin. 2001. Representation of Multiaquifer Wells in MODFLOW. MODFLOW 2001 and Other Modeling Odysseys, International Groundwater Modeling Center (IGWMC), Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado, September 11-14, 2001. In MODFLOW 2001 and Other Modeling Odysseys, Proceedings.
- Andrews, C.B. and C.J. Neville. 2001. Groundwater Flow in a Desert Basin: Complexity and Controversy. MODFLOW 2001 and Other Modeling Odysseys, International Groundwater Modeling Center (IGWMC), Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado, September 11-14, 2001. In MODFLOW 2001 and Other Modeling Odysseys, Proceedings. 770-775.
- Neville, C.J., and J. Markle. 2000. Interpretation of Constant-Head Tests: Rigorous and Approximate Analysis. Proceedings of the First Joint IAH-CNC/CGS Groundwater Specialty Conference, Montreal, Quebec, October 15-18, 2000.
- Larson, S.P., C.B. Andrews, M.D. Howland, and D.T. Feinstein. 1987. Three-Dimensional Modeling Analysis of Ground Water Pumping Schemes for Containment of Shallow Ground Water Contamination. In Solving Ground Water Problems with Models. Dublin, Ohio: National Water Well Association. 517-536.