SSP&A has applied expertise in groundwater, surface water, and environmental science to improve understanding of processes at the interface between ecology and hydrology. SSP&A's contributions to this interdisciplinary field focus on groundwater conditions and groundwater-surface water exchanges in groundwater-dependent riverine and riparian environments.
SSP&A's echohydrology services include:
- Development of customized groundwater/surface water models for riparian areas, including temporally and spatially variable river footprints incorporating a wide range of in-channel flows or overbank flow conditions;
- Evaluation of the likelihood of proposed restoration hydrographs at points of release to meet downstream flow targets and related riparian hydrologic goals;
- Assessment of the sustainability of groundwater-dependent wetland hydrology under altered channel conditions, river operations or altered land/water use in surrounding areas;
- Evaluation of the viability of instream flow targets given the dynamic nature of stream gains/losses under various land/water use or alternate climate scenarios; and,
- Design and implementation of field programs to support analysis of hydrologic conditions in riparian areas.
SSP&A has provided these services to support collaborative environmental programs among federal, state and local water management agencies; to address hydrologic questions associated with the National Environmental Policy Act and Endangered Species Act; and, to assess water supply alternatives or riparian habitat improvements involving modified river operations.