Cohen, Harvey, PhD
Dr. Cohen has 20 years professional experience in hydrogeology, geology and environmental management. His expertise includes quantitative evaluation of water resources and environmental contamination, including site investigation and remediation,brownfields redevelopment, risk-based corrective action, and groundwater modeling. He has completed contaminated site investigations and remediation projects under various federal and state programs including CERCLA, the federally-funded Source Water Assessment program, and state voluntary cleanup programs. Dr. Cohen has led water resources and geological investigations throughout the United States and in Turkey. For the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), he completed the first-ever comprehensive environmental assessment of Cyprus’ largest copper mining and mineral processing complex. Dr. Cohen has also served as an expert witness in cases related to groundwater contamination with MTBE and chlorinated solvents. In addition to his research and case-study publications, Dr. Cohen is co-editor of the American Geological Institute’s Geoscience Handbook (AGI Datasheets, 4th Edition).