SSP&A was retained by Sparton Technology, Inc., to assist in the development of a remedial plan, litigation support, and negotiations with federal, state, county and city regulatory authorities for its Former Coors Road facility in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Hanford Site: Groundwater Modeling
2024-11-21T18:15:38+00:00The USDOE Hanford Site transitioned over decades from a Manhattan Project mission to environmental assessment and cleanup. SSP&A was initially engaged to assess groundwater conditions and develop and apply models to design, evaluate, and optimize groundwater remedies for CERCLA operable units across the Hanford Site.
Former Halliburton Manufacturing Facility
2024-12-10T20:06:06+00:00SSP&A was initially retained to evaluate the fate and transport of CrVI (from historical plating activities) and the effectiveness of a combined strategy of in-situ and ex-situ remedies.