SSP&A managed environmental risks during redevelopment for a multi-year, multi-phase project involving a 48-acre site at a former U.S. Army facility under consideration for re-development.

SSP&A prepared an environmental due diligence report and reviewed a large quantity of technical reports and regulatory documents related to the investigation, monitoring, remediation, and management of environmental impacts in soil and groundwater from the 60-years of military use activities. The remaining potential environmental uncertainties and risks at the site and SSP&A encapsulated these findings and conclusions in an environmental report.

SSP&A developed and implemented a pre-lease and predevelopment baseline soil and groundwater investigation and provided the client with results report and assisted client in lease negotiations. SSP&A prepared and implemented a soil vapor plan and completed a toxicological risk assessment.

During two years of site construction and development, SSP&A managed the monitoring program mandated by the agency-required Risk Management Plan (RMP) during excavation of potentially impacted soil. The RMP program included scheduling and coordination of field technicians with the general contractor, monitoring soil disturbing construction activities, field documentation, and RMP reporting to the property owner and regulatory agency.

SSP&A managed sampling, removal, and closure of an unknown underground storage tank (UST) discovered during construction. Including required reporting to agencies. Additionally, SSP&A prepared and implemented sampling and analysis plans for import fill as well as recycled asphalt pavement and bio-soil material.
