Sparton Technology Remediation

SSP&A was retained by Sparton Technology, Inc., to assist in the development of a remedial plan, litigation support, and negotiations with federal, state, county and city regulatory authorities for its Former Coors Road facility in Albuquerque, New Mexico, where manufacturing of electronic components resulted in the contamination by chlorinated solvents (primarily, trichloroethene [TCE], 1,1,1-trichloroethane [TCA] and 1,1dichloroethene [DCE], and hexavalent chromium).

These negotiations led to a number of remedial measures agreed upon by the parties and specified in a Consent Decree entered in March 2000. SSP&A provided testimony in court proceedings leading to the development of Work Plans for Containment Systems for on-site sources and the off-site plumes, as well as for the Assessment of Aquifer Restoration which were all attached to the 2000 Consent Decree for the site. Covered by these work plans were the installation and operation of an off-site containment system; the installation and operation of a source containment system; and the operation of an on-site soil vapor extraction (SVE) system.

Installation of the off-site system was completed in late 1998 and that of the source system in late 2001. Since the beginning of the remedial operations, SSP&A has been responsible for the evaluation of data collected during each year, and the preparation of Annual Reports that present these data and the results of their evaluation with respect to the performance criteria of the remedial systems, which are still continuing. A groundwater flow and transport model of the hydrogeologic system underlying the Site and its vicinity, was developed in support of these evaluations. The model was annually updated until 2014, at which point update frequency was increased to once every three years. This model was used to evaluate future performance of the existing system and of alternative remedial systems. As a result of these evaluations, the pumping rate of the off-site system was increased for expediting aquifer restoration.

Through these modeling activities and data evaluations, SSP&A has worked closely with NMED and has accumulated significant experience in regional and local groundwater flow conditions in New Mexico; has in-depth understanding of the complex hydrogeologic setting; and successfully addressed remedial challenges in dealing with CVOCs and metals, among other contaminants.
