Modeling & Hydrogeology

Columbia River Gorge

Managed Aquifer Recharge Geochemical Evaluations in Basalts


SSP&A has designed sampling and analysis plans to determine groundwater and basalt chemistry, performed geochemical reactive transport modeling to predict the types and consequences of chemical reactions during ASR operations, and identified mitigation measures in cases where chemical incompatibilities between recharge water and basalt have been identified.

Biggars Lane Landfill Operation Timeline chart

Biggars Lane Landfill


SSP&A developed analyses to predict the evolution of the concentration of chloride at a compliance boundary downgradient from an existing landfill and proposed new landfill cells.

NMISC Water Resources Assessment, Pecos River Basin figure

Water Resources Assessment, Pecos River Basin


To assist the State in their management of water resources in the Carlsbad Basin, SSP&A developed a graphical user interface for evaluation of water rights transfer applications which integrates an existing superposition groundwater model and advanced applications of the Glover-Balmer and Theis equations for analysis of locations outside the active extents of the groundwater model.

Salt Basin Groundwater Model figure

Water Resources Assessment, Salt Basin


On behalf of the New Mexico Interstate Stream Commission (NMISC), SSP&A was asked to provide expert insight into the State’s effort to assess feasibility regarding potential Salt Basin groundwater development for interbasin transfer either to the Pecos or Lower Rio Grande Basins.

Hanford Groundwater Model figure

Hanford Site: Groundwater Modeling


The USDOE Hanford Site transitioned over decades from a Manhattan Project mission to environmental assessment and cleanup. SSP&A was initially engaged to assess groundwater conditions and develop and apply models to design, evaluate, and optimize groundwater remedies for CERCLA operable units across the Hanford Site.

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